
Temperaturna komora za 3D tiskalnik
ID MARINIČ, ŽAN (Author), ID Puhan, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi opišemo izdelavo komore za 3D-tiskalnik FDM z nadziranjem temperature ter merjenjem vlage. Komora je narejena za tiskalnik Ender 3 proizvajalca Creality ki smo ga optimizirali za delovanje v ogrevani komori. V prvem delu diplomske naloge opišemo tehnologije 3D-tiskalnikov FDM/FFF ter tiskalnik Ender 3 ter značilnosti treh termoplastov (PLA, PETG in ABS), ki jih uporabimo v empiričnem delu diplomske naloge. Nadaljujemo z opisom izdelave komore od izdelave ogrodja, grelnih teles do elektro vezave komponent ter z opisom ključnega dela kode, ki upravlja komoro prek mikrokrmilnika Arduino. Sledijo izboljšave/modifikacije tako komore kot samega tiskalnika. V zadnjem delu diplomske se posvetimo preizkusom delovanja komore, s čimer želimo izpostaviti, kaj komora doprinese pri 3D-tiskanju FDM/FFF. Preizkusi obsegajo vpliv komore na natančnost dimenzij tiskanih objektov, kakovost spajanja plasti ter doprinos k temperaturni odpornosti zgoraj omenjenih termoplastov. V namen testiranja doprinosa komore k kakovosti spajanja plasti smo izdelali tudi preizkuševališče, ki ga v nadaljevanju tudi podrobneje opišemo. Diplomsko nalogo zaključimo z ugotovitvami izvedenih preizkusov za vsak posamezen termoplast ter z oceno prednosti ter slabosti komore.

Keywords:komora za 3D-tiskalnik FDM, Ender 3, Arduino, 3D-tiskanje FDM/FFF
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133120 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:84924931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.11.2021
MARINIČ, ŽAN, 2021, Temperaturna komora za 3D tiskalnik [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Temperature chamber for 3D printer
In my thesis I describe the manufacture of a heated chamber with controlled temperature and humidity monitoring for a FDM 3D printer. The heated chamber was made for the 3D printer Ender 3 from Creality which was modified for optimal performance in a heated environment. First part of the thesis describes FDM/FFF 3D printers technologies and in particular the Ender 3. I also described features of three diferent termoplastic filaments (PLA, PETG and ABS), which I later used in the empirical part of the thesis. I described the manufactoring of the heated chamber from frame assembly, heater elements construction to describing electrical wiring and explanation of the crucial code part which controls the heated chamber from an Arduino Nano microcontroller. Next I describe improvements/modifications for both the heated chamber and the Ender 3 3D printer. The last part of the thesis is reserved for tests which were desing to illustrate the impact of a heated chamber on FDM/FFF 3D printing. The testing incudes two dimensional tests, a layer bonding and a heat resistance test on the three previously mentioned filaments. For the layer bonding test I also constructed a testing rig which I detailedly described. I concluded the thesis with findings from tests and a listing of benefits and drawbags from using a heated chamber with FDM/FFF 3D printing.

Keywords:heated chamber for FDM 3D printer, Ender 3, FDM/FFF 3D printing

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