
Reševanje problema higienskega odpiranja vrat
ID Kravos, Mark (Author), ID Kuhar, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kljuka je del opreme, s katerim imamo stik skoraj vsak dan in velja za enega izmed največkrat uporabljenih serijskih izdelkov v našem okolju. Primarna funkcija kljuke je odpiranje in zapiranje vrat tako, da z dlanjo potisnemo ročaj navzdol in s tem sprostimo mehanizem zapaha. V ustanovi, kot je bolnišnica, je higiena izjemno pomembna, in s tem, ko ima v javnih ustanovah s kljuko stik večje število oseb, se tako preko ročaja lahko širijo virusi in bakterije. V diplomskem delu sta predstavljena vratna kljuka in vlečni ročaj s fokusom na higieni. Oba načina odpiranja vrat sta oblikovana z namenom, da ko uporabnik vstopi v nov prostor, nase prenese manj bakterij, kot če bi uporabil tradicionalno kljuko. Posebnost kljuke in vlečnega ročaja je v tem, da za odpiranje uporabniku ni potreben stik z dlanjo, temveč uporabi zapestje ali komolec in tako nase ne prenese škodljivih bakterij in virusov.

Keywords:industrijsko oblikovanje, kljuka, higiena, material, ergonomija, vrata, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133093 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Solving the problem of hygienic door opening
The door handle is a part of the equipment with wich we have contact almost every day and is considered as one of the most frequently used serial products in our living environment. The primary function of a door handle is to open and close the door by pushing the lever down with our palm, thus releasing the latch mechanism. In environment such as the hospital, hygiene is extremely important, and by having a larger number of users contact with a door handle, viruses and bacteria can spread through the surface. The BA thesis showcases a door handle and a pull handle with a focus on hygiene. Both ways of opening the door are designed in order that when a user enters a new space, he transfers less bacteria on himself than if he used a tradicional door handle. The main feature of this door and pull handle is that a user does not use it with his palm, rather he uses his wrist or elbow and thus does not contract harmful bacteria and viruses.

Keywords:industrial design, door handle, hygiene, material, ergonomics, door, BA thesis

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