
Analiza zadovoljstva zaposlenih na Centru za socialno delo Severna Primorska po reorganizaciji
ID Sladojević, Dijana (Author), ID Tomaževič, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Želja vsakega zaposlenega je biti zadovoljen na delovnem mestu. Tudi vodstva združb si želijo imeti zadovoljne zaposlene, saj je stopnja zadovoljstva zaposlenih pogosto povezana z uspešnostjo in učinkovitostjo združb. Reorganizacija slovenskih centrov za socialno delo, ki se je začela oktobra 2018, je bila povod za analizo zadovoljstva zaposlenih pri delu na Centru za socialno delo Severna Primorska po reorganizaciji. Namen diplomskega dela je bil na podlagi analize rezultatov anketiranja vodstvu Centra za socialno delo Severna Primorska ponuditi podatke o tem, s katerimi vidiki zadovoljstva so zaposleni bolj in s katerimi manj zadovoljni. Na podlagi teh podatkov bo vodstvo lahko določilo ukrepe za izboljšave za tiste vidike zadovoljstva zaposlenih, pri katerih je bila izražena večja stopnja nezadovoljstva. V prvem, teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je bila predvsem uporabljena opisna metoda s študijem izbrane literature. V drugem, raziskovalnem delu diplomskega dela pa je bila uporabljena metoda anketiranja, s katero se je želelo ugotoviti, kako zaposleni na Centru za socialno delo Severna Primorska ocenjujejo izbrane vidike zadovoljstva zaposlenih po reorganizaciji. Analiza rezultatov anketiranja je pokazala, da so bili anketiranci najbolj zadovoljni z vidiki, kot so kraj opravljanja zaposlitve, stalnost zaposlitve in samostojnost pri delu, najmanj pa z vidiki, kot so jasnost kriterijev nagrajevanja, enakomerna porazdelitev delovnih nalog med zaposlenimi ter možnost napredovanja. Izboljšave vidikov, s katerimi so bili anketiranci najmanj zadovoljni, bi pripomogle ne samo k večjemu zadovoljstvu zaposlenih pri delu na Centru za socialno delo Severna Primorska po reorganizaciji, temveč tudi k boljšemu odnosu do strank in k uresničevanju politike slovenskega socialnega varstva.

Keywords:zaposleni, zadovoljstvo pri delu, vidiki zadovoljstva pri delu, Center za socialno delo Severna Primorska, reorganizacija.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Sladojević]
Number of pages:XI, 71 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-133050 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:88342531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of employee job satisfaction at the Severna Primorska Social Work Centre after the reorganisation
Satisfaction at the workplace is the wish of every employee. The management of organisations also want to have satisfied employees, since the level of employee satisfaction often correlates with the organisation’s success and efficiency. The reorganisation of Slovene Social Work Centres, which started in October 2018, gave rise to an analysis of employee job satisfaction at the Severna Primorska Social Work Centre after the reorganisation. This diploma thesis is intended to provide, based on an analysis of survey results, data about the aspects of satisfaction which employees are more satisfied with and which they are less satisfied with, to the management of the Severna Primorska Social Work Centre. Based on these data, the management will be able to identify measures to improve the aspects of employee satisfaction for which a greater degree of dissatisfaction was expressed. A descriptive method with a study of selected literature was mainly used in the first, theoretical part of the diploma thesis. The method used for the second, research part of the thesis was surveying, with the aim to find out how the employees at the Severna Primorska Social Work Centre evaluate the selected aspects of employee satisfaction after the reorganisation. The analysis of the survey results showed that the respondents were best satisfied with the aspects such as job location, the continuity of employment and autonomy at work, and least with the aspects such as the clarity of the reward criteria, equal distribution of work tasks among employees and the possibility of promotion. Improvements to the aspects which the respondents were least satisfied with could help build not only more satisfaction among employees working at the Severna Primorska Social Work Centre after the reorganisation, but also a better attitude to clients and realisation of the Slovenian social care policy.

Keywords:employees, job satisfaction, job satisfaction aspects, the Social Work Centre of the Severna Primorska region, reorganisation.

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