
Preverjanje in potrjevanje dejstev v novinarstvu med epidemijo covid-19 : magistrsko delo
ID Vuković, Božana (Author), ID Vobič, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V sklepni nalogi začrtujemo premislek o svetovni zdravstveni krizi covid-19, ki je kot prva poresnična epidemija postavila novinarstvo pred novodobno preizkušnjo: pred boj proti zavajajoči komunikaciji, katere vpliv vse bolj nakazuje izpodbijanje vloge novic in dinamike oblikovanja prepričanj v sodobnih družbah. Zaradi te destabilizirane predpostavke o novicah in resnici se v sodobno novinarstvo vse pogosteje vključuje dejavnost preverjanja dejstev, ki poleg profesionalne discipline potrjevanja dejstev postaja pomemben način utemeljevanja resnice skozi novinarstvo. V prvem teoretičnem sklopu naše naloge konkretiziramo pojme, ki sinergirajo v dobi poresničnosti, v drugem razdelku pa z metodo poglobljenih polstrukturiranih intervjujev in analize internih dokumentov ugotavljamo praktično raven normativnega novinarstva v času krize covid-19. Cilj naloge je preučiti, kako se načeli potrjevanje in preverjanje dejstev uresničujeta v novinarski praksi med epidemijo, ki je prinesla visoko raven zmedenosti in negotovosti; to med drugim izhaja tudi iz nasprotij med različnimi dejstvi in viri. Kakor izsledki kažejo, sta omenjena postopka utemeljevanja resnice skozi novinarstvo visoko vrednotena, a novinarji opozarjajo tudi na vrsto izzivov v zasledovanju imperativov novinarske profesije, ki se ne more sama učinkovito spopadati z novimi izzivi javnega (spletnega) komuniciranja. Ugotovitve pravijo, da razsežnost infodemije presega zmožnosti učinkovitega potrjevanja in preverjanja dejstev, drugače pa epidemija informacij ni posegla v način, na katerega se uresničujeta omenjena novinarska ideala.

Keywords:poresničnost, lažne novice, potrjevanje dejstev, preverjanje dejstev, covid-19
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Vuković]
Number of pages:176 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132847 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:83905283 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Fact-checking and verification in journalism during the covid-19 epidemic
The thesis reflects on the global health crisis caused by covid-19, which, as the first post-truth epidemic, has faced journalism with a novel test: the fight against misleading communication whose impact has been increasingly shown to have undermined the role of news and the dynamics of how beliefs are formed in contemporary societies. Due to the destabilized assumptions about news and truth, contemporary journalism has increasingly resorted to fact checking. Coupled with the professional discipline of verification of facts, fact checking has become a vital way of affirming the truth through journalism. The theoretical part of the thesis substantiates the terms that are synergizing in the post-truth era, the second part determines the practical level of normative journalism in the covid-19 era using the method of in-depth semi-structured interviews and analysis of internal documents. The aim of the thesis is to examine how the principles of verification and fact checking have been implemented in journalistic practice during the epidemic, a time characterized by a high level of confusion and uncertainty, some of which originates from conflicts between different sources and facts. The findings suggest that both procedures for the affirmation of truth are highly valued in journalism, but journalists also warn there are significant impediments in pursuing these imperatives of the journalistic profession, which cannot effectively address the new challenges of public (online) discourse alone. According to the findings, the scope of the infodemic exceeds the capacity to effectively verify and check facts, but the epidemic

Keywords:post-truth, fake news, verification, fact-checking, covid-19

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