
Global analysis of atmospheric refractivity profiles from COSMIC GPS radio occultation soundings
ID Gong, Shaoqi (Author), ID Zhang, Cunjie (Author), ID Tang, Geshi (Author), ID Zhang, Yehui (Author), ID Han, Jing (Author)

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Atmospheric refractivity is a function of temperature, pressure and water vapor. The refractivity retrieved from the GNSS radio occultation soundings has fine vertical resolution and high accuracy, so it can be used to improve the accuracy of numerical weather prediction models and in climate and meteorological research. This study evaluates differences of refractivity from the COSMIC against radiosondes (RS) at different atmospheric levels, latitudes and seasons. Then temporal and global spatial distribution patterns of the COSMIC refractivity are analyzed at the atmospheric levels of 925 and 300 hPa. The results indicate that the COSMIC and RS refractivities are in generally good agreement. The differences between COSMIC and RS refractivity decrease with increasing height in the troposphere above 300 hPa, and the differences are very small above the tropopause. The COSMIC-RS differences exhibit distinct latitudinal and seasonal variation.The global COSMIC refractivity at 925 hPa is the highest in the tropics, and it decreases with increasing latitude in the NH and SH. However, the refractivity at the atmospheric levels of 300 hPa is just the opposite. Refractivity anomalies relative to the annual mean values in January and July are significant, whereas the differences are not as large in the transitional seasons of April and October.

Keywords:atmospheric refractivity, COSMIC, GPS radio occultation, radiosonde, temporal and spatial distribution
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Number of pages:Str. 227-240
Numbering:Letn. 64, št. 2
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132839 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0351-0271
DOI:10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2020.02.227-240 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:22100483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.11.2021
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Geodetski vestnik. glasilo Zveze geodetov Slovenije
Shortened title:Geod. vestn.
Publisher:Zveza geodetov Slovenije
COBISS.SI-ID:5091842 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Title:Globalna analiza atmosferskih refrakcijskih profilov iz prekrivanj radijskih signalov COMSIC GPS
Atmosferska refrakcija je odvisna od temperature, tlaka in vodne pare. Iz GNSS ocenjena refrakcija ima dovolj dobro vertikalno ločljivost in točnost, da jo lahko vključimo v numerične modele napovedi vremena ter uporabimo v meteoroloških in klimatskih raziskavah. V študiji smo ovrednotili razlike med modelom refrakcije, pridobljenim iz sistema COSMIC, in izračuni iz podatkov vertikalne radiosondaže, in sicer za različne višine, geografske širine in letne čase. Analizirali smo časovne in globalne prostorske porazdelitvene vzorce atmosferske refrakcije na podlagi podatkov COSMIC za atmosferske ravni, kjer zračni tlak znaša 925 hPa in 300 hPa. Rezultati so pokazali, da je ocenjena refrakcija v splošnem podobna oceni iz podatkov radiosond. Razlika se značilno manjša z višino, ko je v troposferi tlak nad 300 hPa, nad tropopavzo pa so razlike komaj še zaznavne. Izrazite razlike med oceno refrakcije iz podatkov COSMOS oziroma podatkov, pridobljenih z radiosondami, se kažejo s spreminjanjem geografske širine in z letnim časom. Globalna refrakcija COSMIC na višini, kjer je tlak 825 hPa, je najvišja v tropskem pasu ter se manjša proti severni in južni hemisferi. V atmosferi na višini, kjer je tlak 300 hPa, je z refrakcijo ravno nasprotno. Anomalije refrakcije glede na srednjo letno vrednost so večje v januarju in juliju, manjše pa v aprilu in oktobru.

Keywords:atmosferska refrakcija, COSMIC, GPS-radarska prekrivanja, radiosonda, časovna in prostorska porazdelitev

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