
Računalniška didaktična igra pri naravoslovju za učence od 1. do 5. razreda osnovne šole
ID Plankar, Nejc (Author), ID Susman, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7009/ This link opens in a new window

Aktivnost, raznolikost in dinamičnost so le nekateri opisniki, ki predstavljajo pouk naravoslovja. Pri pouku naravoslovja je pomembno, da učitelj učence navdušuje, jim predstavlja predmet z raznolikimi metodami, pri katerih učenci sodelujejo, se veliko naučijo in svoje znanje poglabljajo. Učitelj mora učne metode premišljeno izbirati in jih uporabiti ob ustreznem času in primernih učnih temah. Metoda didaktične igre in informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija (v nadaljevanju IKT) omogočata velik spekter možnosti za vpeljavo naravoslovnih vsebin v pouk. Za namene magistrskega dela smo izdelali računalniško didaktično igro na učno temo človek, ki vključuje učne cilje iz učnih načrtov spoznavanja okolja in naravoslovja in tehnike od prvega do petega razreda osnovne šole. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako učenci in učitelji sprejemajo izdelano računalniško didaktično igro, kakšen je napredek v znanju po odigrani didaktični igri, v kolikšni meri učenci dosegajo naravoslovne učne cilje s področja biologije in fizike, kako učenci sprejemajo poglabljanje znanja z izdelano didaktično igro in katere prilagoditve igre podajajo učitelji. Dodatno nas je zanimalo, kakšne so izkušnje učiteljev in učencev z računalniškimi didaktičnimi igrami in koliko so le-te uporabljali pri poučevanju na daljavo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 5 razredov po 6 učencev in en učitelj iz vsakega razreda, skupaj 30 učencev in 5 učiteljev iz izbrane osnovne šole. Podatke raziskave smo pridobili s preizkusi znanja (pred- in po testu), polstrukturiranimi intervjuji in opazovanjem z udeležbo. Preden smo se z učenci podali v igranje didaktične igre, smo opravili predtest, s katerim smo pridobili podatke o predznanju učencev. Po odigrani didaktični igri smo učencem v reševanje dali potest, ki je bil identičen predtestu, da smo lahko ugotovili napredek v znanju. Po potestu smo z učenci izvedli še kratek polstrukturiran intervju, da smo pridobili podatke o mnenju učencev in njihovih izkušnjah z računalniškimi didaktičnimi igrami. Namen polstrukturiranega intervjuja z učitelji je bil, da ugotovimo močne in šibke strani izdelane igre in njihovo mnenje o le-tej, učiteljevo delo z IKT v šoli in poučevanju na daljavo in predloge za prilagoditve ter izboljšave didaktične igre. Naše ugotovitve kažejo, da je didaktična igra strokovna, estetska in ustrezna za poglabljanje znanja pri učni temi človek. Učenci in učitelji didaktično igro dobro sprejemajo in ocenjujejo. Izkazal se je tudi napredek v znanju učencev po odigrani didaktični igri, saj so bili v povprečju rezultati potesta boljši od rezultatov predtesta. Učitelji navajajo, da se računalniških didaktičnih iger pri pouku in poučevanju na daljavo redko poslužujejo. Slednje je tudi odvisno od učiteljeve kompetentnosti uporabe IKT naprav. Računalniško didaktično igro Človek vrednotijo kot primerno za izvedbo pouka na daljavo. Učitelji pravijo, da bi lahko pri igri zmanjšali količino besedila, dodali še glasovno spremljavo, uredili vprašanja po zahtevnosti in dodali možnost izbiranja vrste črk (velike ali male tiskane). Izsledki magistrskega dela bodo kot spodbuda učiteljem, da se več poslužujejo računalniških didaktičnih iger za razne teme pri naravoslovju kot tudi pri drugih predmetih,saj le-te učence motivirajo, spodbudijo njihovo aktivnost in usvajanje različnih kompetenc. Izdelano računalniško didaktično igro smo posodobili in dopolnili ter je na voljo učiteljem, da jo lahko uporabijo v svojih razredih. Tako bodo lahko prihranili čas in jih bo morda uporaba didaktične igre spodbudila k izdelavi lastne didaktične igre na novo temo.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132814 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:83177219 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Computer didactic game in science lessons for elementary school students in grades 1 to 5
Activity, diversity, and dynamism are just some of the descriptors that describe Science lessons. In Science lessons, it is important that the teacher inspires students, introduces them to the subject itself with a variety of methods in which students participate, learn a lot and deepen their knowledge. The teacher must choose the teaching methods carefully and use them at the appropriate time and with the appropriate learning topics. The method of didactic game and information and communication technology (hereinafter ICT) provide a wide range of possibilities for the introduction of Science content in teaching. For the purposes of the master's thesis, we created a computer didactic game based on the topic Human, which appears in the curricula of Environmental studies and in Science and Technology from the first to the fifth grade of elementary school. The purpose of the research was to determine how students and teachers accept the created computer didactic game, what is the progress in knowledge after playing the didactic game, to what extent students achieve Science learning objectives in biology and physics, how students evaluate the deepening of knowledge with the developed didactic game and what didactic game adaptations teachers point out. We were also interested in the experience of teachers and students with computer didactic games and how much they used them in distance teaching. The study involved 5 classes, 6 students and 1 teacher from each class, a total of 30 students and 5 teachers from the selected elementary school. Research data were obtained through knowledge tests (pre- and posttest), semi-structured interviews and participatory observation. Before we gave the students a didactic game to play, we conducted a pre-test, which provided information about the prior knowledge of students. After the implementation of the didactic game, we gave the students a post-test, which was identical to the pre-test, so that we could determine the progress in knowledge. After the test, we conducted a short semi-structured interview with the students in order to obtain information about the students' opinions and their experiences with computer didactic games. The purpose of the semi-structured interview with the teachers was to identify the strengths and the weaknesses of the game and their opinion about it, the teacher's work with ICT in school and distance teaching, and suggestions for adaptations and improvements of the didactic game. Our results show that our computer didactic game is professional, aesthetic and suitable for deepening knowledge in the topic Human. The didactic game was well received and evaluated by the students and the teachers. There was also an improvement in the students' knowledge after the didactic game, as the average post-test results were better than the pre-test results. The teachers stated that they rarely use computer didactic games in class and in distance teaching. The latter also depends on the competence of teachers in the use of ICT devices. The computer didactic game Human is valued as suitable for distance teaching. Teachers said they would reduce the amount of text in the game, add voiceover, sort questions by difficulty, and add the option to choose a typeface (uppercase or lowercase). The results of the master's thesis will serve as an encouragement for teachers to use more computer didactic games for various topics in Science lessons as well as in other subjects, as they motivate students, encourage their activity and the acquisition of various competencies. The developed computer didactic game was updated and supplemented and is available to teachers so that they can use it in their classes. In this way, they will be able to save time and perhaps using our computer didactic game will encourage them to create a similar didactic game on a new topic on their own.

Keywords:Science lessons

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