
Ugotavljanje skladnosti inštrumentalnega in na tla nalepljenega Y testa pri okvarah gležnja, kolena in kolka : magistrsko delo
ID Jereb, Vesna (Author), ID Rugelj, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vauhnik, Renata (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Y ravnotežni test se je razvil iz Testa dosega v 8 smereh (angl. Star Excursion Balance Test: SEBT). Originalno je 8 različnih smeri za doseganje. Nato se je test modificiral in se je razvila nova različica testa, ki vsebuje le 3 smeri doseganja (anteriorno, posteromedialno in posterolateralno). V literaturi se pojavljata dve različici Y testa, in sicer na tla nalepljen centimetrski trak, iz katerega preberemo vrednost, vse pogosteje pa se uporablja inštrumentalno različico Y testa, kjer preiskovanec potiska merilno ploščico v treh smereh in na inštrumentu odčitamo vrednost. Namen: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti skladnost inštrumentalnega Y testa (FSM Y-Balance Test Kit, USA) in na tla nalepljenega Y testa pri pacientih z okvaro, poškodbo ali kroničnim stanjem gležnja, kolena ali kolka. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 21 fizioterapevtov in 64 pacientov, ki so v času trajanja raziskave hodili na fizioterapijo v Zdravstveni dom Kranj in so imeli eno izmed patologij v gležnju, kolenu ali kolku (poškodba/okvara/kronično stanje) ter so bili starejši od 18 let. Vsak preiskovanec je v naključnem vrstnem redu izvedel oba načina testa (inštrumentalni Y test in na tla nalepljen Y test) s tremi poskusnimi meritvami ter tremi testnimi meritvami za vsako smer. Podatke smo statistično obdelali s programom SPSS 24. Rezultati: Statistično značilna razlika med obema različicama testa se je pokazala pri anteriorni smeri, večina preiskovancev je dosegala dlje na na tla nalepljenem Y testu. Pri posteromedialni smeri so nekateri bistveno več dosegali na inštrumentalnem Y testu, nekateri pa na nalepljenem testu. Pri posterolateralni smeri ni statistično značilnih razlik v doseganju. Razprava in zaključek: Zaradi različnih rezultatov doseganja med obema testoma ju med seboj ne moremo primerjati. Razlike med testoma se pojavijo ne glede na to, s katerim sklepom ima preiskovanec težave (kolk, koleno, gleženj, zdravi).

Keywords:magistrska dela, fizioterapija, ravnotežni test, SEBT, patologija spodnjega uda, odstopanja med različicama Y testa
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Bartol]
Number of pages:23 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132792 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:94780419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.11.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Determining the symmetry agreement of the instrumental and the floor-affixed Y-balance test for the ankle, knee and hip pathologies : master thesis
Introduction: The Y Balance Test was developed from the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT). SEBT includes 8 reach directions. Later, the test was modified, and a new version was developed, including only 3 reach directions (anterior, posteromedial and posterolateral). In literature, two versions of the test appear – one with the floor-affixed Y Balance Test, from which the measure of performance can be read, and the instrumental Y Balance Test, in which the participant pushes the measuring board in three different directions, and the performance is noted on the device. Lately, the latter has been used more frequently. Purpose: The purpose of this research was to determine the correlation between the instrumental Y Balance Test (FSM Y-Balance Test Kit, USA) and the floor-affixed Y Balance Test for the pathologies, injuries, and chronic conditions of the ankle, knee, and hip. Methods: 21 physiotherapists and 64 patients participated in the research. The patients were attending physiotherapy at the Community Health Centre Kranj with the pathologies of the ankle, knee or hip (injury/defect/chronic condition) and were over 18 years old. Each participant took the instrumental and the floor-affixed Y Balance Test in random order with 3 practice trials and 3 test trials in each direction. The data were statistically analysed with the SPSS 24 tool. Results: There was a statistically significant difference between both tests in the anterior reach direction. The majority of the participants reached further on the floor-affixed Y Balance Test. In the posteromedial direction, some participants performed better on the instrumental Y Balance Test, while some reached further on the floor-affixed Y Balance Test. In the posterolateral direction, the achievements didn’t show any statistically significant difference. Discussion and conclusion: Due to the difference in the results between the two tests, we cannot compare them. The differences between the two tests appear regardless of the type of the impaired joint (hip, knee, ankle, healthy joint).

Keywords:master's theses, physiotherapy, balance test, SEBT, lower-limb pathology, Y test version deviation

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