
Izkušnja doživljanja nosečnosti, poroda in babiške obravnave pri ženskah z izkušnjo spolne zlorabe v otroštvu : magistrsko delo
ID Slapar, Klavdija (Author), ID Repič Slavič, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V pričujočem magistrskem delu avtorica raziskuje doživljanje nosečnosti, poroda, babiške obravnave ter poporodnega obdobja pri ženskah z izkušnjo spolne zlorabe v otroštvu. V teoretičnem delu se osredotoči na vseobsegajoče vplive spolne zlorabe na omenjena obdobja. Osredotoči se na čustveni, psihološki in tudi fizični vidik posledic zlorabe ter na priporočene načine babiške in porodniške obravnave žensk z izkušnjo spolne zlorabe v otroštvu. Predstavi pomen razumevanja razsežnosti posledic spolnega nasilja ter pomen sočutne, celostne, na žensko osrediščene babiške obravnave. Prikaže pogoste stiske, duševne motnje in druge izzive, s katerimi se ženske soočajo ter se osredotoči na pomen podpore. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega dela predstavi tudi izzive v času dojenja, materinstva, vzgoje in partnerstva, ki se pri ženski z izkušnjo zlorabe lahko pojavijo. Empirični del predstavlja in raziskuje omenjene fenomene s pomočjo kvalitativne fenomenološke metodologije. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 5 žensk z izkušnjo spolne zlorabe v otroštvu ter z izkušnjo nosečnosti, poroda in materinstva. Ženske so bile stare med 20 in 60 let, v večini z visokošolsko izobrazbo. Na podlagi poslušanja in analize transkriptov poglobljenih intervjujev, ki jih je avtorica opravila z udeleženkami, ugotavlja, kako so ženske doživljale fenomen nosečnosti, poroda, babiške obravnave in materinstva. Rezultati so pokazali, da so v večini med nosečnostjo doživljale različne strahove, četudi so se večinoma nosečnosti veselile. Poleg tega so rezultati pokazali pomen sočutne obravnave in podpore med porodom. Ena od udeleženk je kot deklica doživela spolno nasilje s strani zdravstvenih delavcev. Vse so opisovale tudi občutke neslišanosti, pomanjkanja podpore med porodom, nekatere tudi verbalno nasilje, ki so ga doživele s strani zdravstvenih delavcev. Večina udeleženk je imela negativno porodno izkušnjo, ki pa je vplivala tudi na poporodno obdobje. Raziskava je pokazala tudi pogostost drugih oblik nasilja s strani več storilcev. V našo fenomenološko raziskavo smo vključili 5 žensk z izkušnjo zlorabe v otroštvu in nosečnosti, poroda ter materinstva. Raziskovali smo individualno in splošno doživljanje vseh udeleženk. Rezultate raziskav ne moremo posplošiti na splošno populacijo, so pa izsledki lahko vodilo za nadaljnje raziskave na tem področju in predvsem za poglobljeno razumevanje doživljanja nosečnosti, poroda, babiške obravnave in materinstva pri ženskah z izkušnjo spolne zlorabe v otroštvu.

Keywords:spolna zloraba, nosečnost, babiška obravnava, porod, dojenje, materinstvo, poporodno obdobje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Slapar]
Number of pages:V, 107 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132539 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:86729731 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.10.2021
SLAPAR, Klavdija, 2021, Izkušnja doživljanja nosečnosti, poroda in babiške obravnave pri ženskah z izkušnjo spolne zlorabe v otroštvu : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : K. Slapar. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Experience of pregnancy, childbirth and midwifery care in women with experience of childhood sexual abuse
In the master's thesis, the author explores the experience of pregnancy, childbirth, midwifery treatment, and the postpartum period in women with experience of sexual abuse in childhood. The theoretical part focuses on the pervasive effects of sexual abuse on these periods. The author focuses on the emotional, psychological as well as physical aspects of the consequences of abuse, and on the recommended ways of midwifery and obstetric care of women who experienced childhood sexual abuse. The first part presents the importance of understanding the extent of the consequences of sexual violence and the importance of sensitive, holistic, woman-centered midwifery care. It shows the frequent hardships, mental disorders, and other challenges that women face and focuses on the importance of support. In the last part of the theoretical part of the presentation, there are also challenges during breastfeeding, motherhood, upbringing, and partnership that can occur in a woman with experience of abuse. The empirical part presents and researches the mentioned phenomena with the help of a qualitative phenomenological methodology. The study included 5 women with experience of childhood sexual abuse and with experience of pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. Women were between 20 and 60 years old, mostly with a university degree. Based on listening to and analyzing transcripts of in-depth interviews conducted by the author with the participants, she finds out how women experienced the phenomenon of pregnancy, childbirth, midwifery treatment and motherhood. The results showed that most experienced different fears during pregnancy, although they were mostly looking forward to the pregnancy. In addition, the results showed the importance of compassionate treatment and support during childbirth. One of the participants experienced sexual violence by health professionals as a child. All also described feelings of inaudibility, lack of support during childbirth, some also verbal violence experienced by health professionals. Most of the participants had a negative birth experience, which also affected the postpartum period. The research has also shown the frequency of other forms of violence by multiple perpetrators. We included five women who experienced childhood sexual abuse and pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood in our phenomenological research. We researched the individual and general experiences of all participants. The results of the research cannot be generalized to the general population, but the results can be a guide for further research in this area and especially for an in-depth understanding of pregnancy, childbirth, midwifery and motherhood in women with childhood sexual abuse.

Keywords:sexual abuse, pregnancy, midwifery, childbirth, breastfeeding, motherhood, postpartum

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