
Razumevanje psihosocialne stiske znotraj družbenega konteksta ob uporabi umetniškega ustvarjanja
ID Rozman, Maruša (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7002/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrski nalogi raziskujem prvoosebno pripoved oseb o psihosocialni stiski ob uporabi likovnega izdelka, in sicer izdelka, ki so ga osebe ustvarile same in prikazuje njihovo stisko. V teoretičnem delu predstavim tematiko psihosocialne stiske predvsem skozi kontekstualno in sistemsko razumevanje. Psihosocialno stisko predstavim kot pojav, ki se pojavlja, oblikuje in uokvirja znotraj družbenega konteksta. Družbeni pojavi kot so kapitalistična in individualistična usmerjenost ter pojav novega koronavirusa, so aktualni družbeni procesi, ki prisostvujejo k porastu negotovosti in tveganj v življenjskem svetu ljudi. Vzporedno s temi družbenimi procesi je opaziti porast psihosocialne stiske pri ljudeh. V svoji magistrski nalogi se osredotočam predvsem na mlado generacijo, še posebej na mlade, ki se nahajajo v negotovih prehodih v odraslost. V teoriji predstavim tudi tematiko umetniškega ustvarjanja, in sicer kot podporno dejavnost pri soočanju s psihosocialno stisko. Pri tem izhajam predvsem iz spoznanj umetnostne terapije oz. pomoči z umetnostjo. Pri svojem raziskovanju sem uporabila kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop in raziskovanje s pomočjo umetnosti. V procesu raziskovanja so me zanimale zgodbe mladih o psihosocialni stiski, doprinos umetniškega ustvarjanja pri soočanju s psihosocialno stisko in uporabnost likovnega umetniškega izdelka pri pogovoru. Ugotovila sem, da se mladi soočajo z raznoliki stiskami in izzivi, ki pa so predvsem plod negotovih ali nespodbudnih razmer v njihovem življenjskem sistemu. Prepoznala sem, da je potrebna bolj življenjska in celostna podpora mladi generaciji, ki je usmerjena na različna življenjska področja, namesto le v izobraževanje in delo. Spoznala sem tudi, da ima umetniško ustvarjanje pomemben smisel za osebe, s katerimi sem izvajala pogovore, saj jim nudi veselje in medij za izražanje sebe in svojih vsebin. V pogovoru se je likovni izdelek pokazal kot uporabno orodje za odpiranje, spoznavanje in poglabljanje teme o psihosocialni stiski osebe in pri osvetljevanju osebnih pomenov, ki bi jih le z uporabo verbalne komunikacije težje dosegla.

Keywords:družba negotovosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132516 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:82436611 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.11.2021
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Title:Understanding psychosocial distress within a social context through artistic creation
In my master's thesis, I research the first-person narrative of people about psychosocial distress using an art product, that people have created themselves as expression and representation of their distress. In the theoretical part, I present the topic of psychosocial distress, mainly through contextual and systemic understanding. I present psychosocial distress as a phenomenon that occurs, shapes, and frames within a social context. Today, we are witnessing the emergence of new uncertainties and risks. Social phenomena such as capitalistic and individualistic orientation and the emergence of the coronavirus are current social processes that are present today. In parallel with these social processes, there is an increase in psychosocial distress among people. In my master's thesis, I focus mainly on the younger generation, especially on young people who are in life stage of emerging adulthood. In theory, I also touch upon on topic of artistic creation, as a supportive activity in dealing with psychosocial distress. In doing so, I proceed mainly from the knowledge of art therapy. In my research I used a qualitative research approach and arts based research. In my research, I was interested in people’s stories about psychosocial distress, the contribution of artistic creation in dealing with psychosocial distress, and the usefulness of an art product in conversation. The main insights I have gained are that young people face a variety of hardships and challenges, which are mainly the result of uncertain or uninspiring conditions in their life system. I realized that a shift from school- and work- centeredness to more holistic approach and life orientation is needed. I also realized that artistic creation has important personal meaning, for the people I conducted conversations with, as it offers them joy and a channel to express themselves. In the conversation, the art product proved to be a useful tool for opening, getting to know and deepening the topic of a person's story about psychosocial distress and in illuminating personal meanings.

Keywords:society of uncertainty

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