
Ključne kompetence za prihodnost z vidika študentov Naravoslovnotehniške fakultete
ID Vrhovski, Iris (Author), ID Demšar, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Svetina, Matija (Comentor)

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Postavljanje vprašanj mladih na osrednje mesto v družbi znanja je predpogoj za uresničevanje konkurenčnosti, trajnostnega gospodarstva, socialne kohezije, medgeneracijske solidarnosti in evropskega socialnega modela, pri čemer predstavlja izobraževalni sistem ključno vlogo. Izobraževalne institucije in ustvarjalce politik vedno bolj zanima, katere kompetence so potrebne za uspešno vključitev diplomantov oz. magistrantov na trg delovne sile in v kolikšni meri naj profesionalne kompetence razvije izobraževalni sistem. Slednji naj bi pozitivno vplival na osebno in družbeno rast v najširšem smislu. Pri krepitvi sposobnosti mladih Evropejcev je zato izrednega pomena zagotavljati razvoj kompetenc, ki vključujejo mehke veščine, med drugim povezane z reševanjem problemov, komunikacijo, podjetniškimi znanji, kritičnim in ustvarjalnim razmišljanjem, samopredstavitvijo, samoizražanjem in pogajanji. V magistrskem delu smo raziskali, katere so ključne posameznikove kompetence za uspešnost danes in katere bodo najpomembnejše v prihodnosti. 78 študentov Naravoslovnotehniške fakultete je ob tem podalo tudi lastno predstavo o značilnostih idealnega sveta ter svoja pričakovanja o svetu v prihodnosti. Na podlagi uporabe prilagojene utemeljene teorije in procesa kodiranja smo ugotovili, da so osebnostne lastnosti (kreativnost, inovativnost, zagnanost, pogum, iznajdljivost, samozavest, (samo)discipliniranost, prilagodljivost, ciljna usmerjenost, ambicioznost idr.) po mnenju mladih najrelevantnejši dejavnik za posameznikov uspeh tako v sedanjosti kot v prihodnosti. V opisovanju njihovega idealnega sveta se v glavnini pojavljajo potreba po urejenih in dobrih medsebojnih odnosih ter ljubezen in razumevanje sočloveka. Njihov pogled na prihodnost je v večini primerov pesimističen, saj pričakujejo, da bosta zaradi naglih tehnoloških sprememb ogrožena tako človek kot narava sama. Mlade skrbi njihov položaj na trgu dela, osebna nesamostojnost zaradi pomanjkanja osnovnih sredstev za samostojno in odraslo življenje ter globalno nezadovoljstvo. Kljub temu pa je večina študentov podala tudi svetle napovedi, saj so pripravljeni, da se kot posamezniki angažirajo in potrudijo ravnati po najboljših močeh za trajnosten vložek v čim boljši jutri

Keywords:posameznikove kompetence, temeljne kompetence, generacija milenijcev, svet v prihodnosti, utemeljena teorija.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132444 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Future key competencies from the perspective of students of Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Putting youth's issues at the heart of the knowledge society is a precondition for achieving competitiveness, sustainable economy, social cohesion, intergenerational solidarity, and the European social model, where the education system plays the key role. Educational institutions and policymakers are more and more interested in which competencies are needed for the successful inclusion of graduates or masters to the labor market, and the extent to which professional competencies should be developed by the educational system. The latter is expected to have a positive impact on personal and social growth in the broadest sense. It is therefore of the utmost importance to ensure strengthening the competences of young Europeans, involving soft skills, including problem-solving, communication, entrepreneurial skills, critical and creative thinking, self-presentation, self-expression, and negotiation. In the master's thesis we researched which are the key individual competencies for success today, and which will be the most important in the future. 78 students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering also gave their own ideas about the characteristics of the ideal world, and their expectations about the world in the future. On the basis of adapted grounded theory and coding process we found that personality traits (creativity, innovation, enthusiasm, courage, ingenuity, self-confidence, (self) discipline, adaptability, goal orientation, ambition, etc.) are considered by young people to be the most relevant factor for an individual's success, both in the present and in the future. In describing their ideal world, the need for orderly and good interpersonal relationships, and love and understanding of fellow human beings are mainly mentioned. Their view of the future is in most cases pessimistic, as they expect that both man and nature itself will be endangered due to sudden technological changes. Young people are concerned about their position on the labor market, lack of personal independence due to the lack of basic resources for independent and adult life, and global dissatisfaction. Nevertheless, most students also made bright predictions, as they are willing to engage as individuals, and do their best to make a sustainable investment for the best possible tomorrow.

Keywords:individual competencies, core competencies, millennial generation, world in the future, grounded theory

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