
ID Bektašević, Evelina (Author), ID Twrdy, Elen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Železnica je pomemben del prometne infrastrukture. Tehnologija železniškega prometa pa je področje, ki povezuje vse sodelujoče dejavnike v železniškem procesu in s tem omogoča železniške prevozne storitve. Velika prednost železniškega prometa je ekološki, okolju prijaznejši vidik pri prevozu večjih količin tovora. Zgodovinsko gledano je imel železniški transport velik vpliv na razvoj gospodarstva držav po vsem svetu. Tudi danes ima železniški transport pomembno vlogo pri razvoju nacionalnih gospodarstev in je iz tega razloga močno pod vplivom politike posamezne države. Posledično je železniški sistem vsake države različno oblikovan v evropskih državah in širše po vsem svetu. Znotraj Evropske unije (EU) je prednostni cilj investicij na področju skupne transportne politike izgradnja panevropskih koridorjev. Slednje bo prispevalo k učinkovitejšemu in celostnemu razvoju Evrope, predvsem z izgradnjo manjkajočih prevoznih povezav med državami članicami EU ter tranzitnimi državami. Pomemben del vseh investicij je usmerjen na železniško infrastrukturo, predvsem zaradi želje po razbremenitvi zasičenosti cestnega prometa in zmanjšanja vpliva na okolje in okoljske spremembe. Prav tako je pomembna tudi usmeritev EU na povečanje kombiniranega (intermodalnega) transporta. Osnovni cilj razvoja EU je bilo oblikovanje skupnega trga. Slednje se odraža v transportni politiki, predvsem v njenem prizadevanju za prost pretok blaga in storitev znotraj Evropske unije, za kar je treba uresničiti osnovni pogoj, to je učinkovit transportni sistem. Posledično je bil osrednji interes držav članic EU vzpostavljanje integriranega transevropskega prevoznega omrežja (TENT), ki naj bi bil osnova za zaposlitev ljudi, konkurenčnost in rast gospodarstva. Železniški promet v državah članicah EU bi po mnenju Evropske komisije moral imeti večjo vlogo pri reševanju prometnih izzivov, s katerimi se spoprijemajo države, in bi moral tudi vpeljati ustrezne ukrepe za oživitev sektorja, ki bi bolje deloval ter izpolnjeval zahteve družbe. V diplomski nalogi bom predstavila pomen železniškega prometa za razvoj Slovenije in držav članic EU.

Keywords:Železniški transport, evropski koridorji, železniško omrežje, infrastruktura
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132434 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.10.2021
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Secondary language

Railways are an important part of transport infrastructure. Railway transport technology is an area that connects all the factors involved in the railway process and thus enables railway transport services. A major advantage of rail transport is the ecological, more environmentally friendly aspect of this particular transport system. Throughout the history, railway transport has had a major impact on the development of the economies of countries around the world. Railway transport still plays an important role in the development of national economies in today's world and is therefore strongly influenced by each country. As a result, each particular country's railway system is shaped differently depending on the countries, members of the European Union (EU) but also worldwide. Within the European Union (EU), the priority objective of investment in the common transport policy is the construction of panEuropean corridors. The latter will contribute to a more efficient and integrated development of Europe, in particular by building the missing transport links between the countries, members of EU. An important part of all investments is focused on railway infrastructure, mainly due to the desire to relieve road traffic congestion and reduce the negative impact on the environment and environmental changes. Additional EU's focus is put on increasing combined (intermodal) transport. One of the basic goals of EU development was to create a common market. The latter is reflected in transport policy, especially in its pursuit of the free transport of goods and services within the EU, for which an efficient transport system is a basic prerequirenment. Consequently, the main interest of the countries, members of EU was initially to set up an integrated transEuropean transport network (TEN). The European Commission believes that railway transport in the countries members of EU should have a greater role in addressing the transport challenges that countries are facing, as well as appropriate measures to revitalize a sector that works better and meets society's demands, which also requires new railways. In my diploma thesis I will present the importance of railway transport for the development of Slovenia and the EU Member States.

Keywords:Rail transport, european corridors, railway network, infrastructure

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