
Pomen sodelovanja med znanostjo in industrijo za razvoj in menedžment talentov: Študija primera izbranega podjetja
ID Pilko, Iva (Author), ID Radovan, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kohont, Andrej (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu predstavljamo koncept menedžmenta talentov in vidik sodelovanja med znanostjo in industrijo. Teoretični del naloge smo razdelili na dva sklopa. V prvem sklopu smo strokovno opredelili menedžment talentov in njegove elemente, kot so načrtovanje in privabljanje talentov, selekcija in uvajanje novo sprejetih talentov v organizacijo ter njihov razvoj in zadrževanje v organizaciji. Podrobneje smo se posvetili še pojavu globalnega menedžmenta talentov. V drugem sklopu smo predstavili pomen sodelovanja med znanostjo in industrijo za razvoj in menedžment talentov ter prednosti in omejitve tega sodelovanja. V empiričnem delu smo oba predstavljena sklopa združili v analizo inovativnega dogodka, ki ga organizira izbrano podjetje, in za katerega ta predstavlja enega ključnih načinov privabljanja in zaposlovanja talentov pri njih. Preko intervjujev z organizatorji dogodka in bivšimi udeleženci dogodka, sedanjimi zaposlenimi v podjetju, smo želeli raziskati razloge za vpeljavo dogodka v podjetje, kakšne pozitivne vidike prinaša, kakšni so njegovi cilji in vidiki. Nadaljnje smo želeli raziskati, kakšne morebitne pomanjkljivosti zaznajo, kje so priložnosti za izboljšave ter morebitni izzivi za prihodnost. Ugotovili smo, da se je podjetje za organizacijo dogodka odločilo predvsem z namenom pridobitve in zaposlitve najboljših talentov in zaradi same prepoznavnosti podjetja kot dobrega delodajalca. Oboje so tudi uspešno dosegli, pri tem pa se srečujejo tudi z določenimi izzivi. Ugotavljamo, da je kadrovski potencial, ki bi ga lahko z dogodkom dosegli, še vedno premalo izkoriščen. Prav tako se v podjetju srečujejo z izzivi, kako zagotoviti, da bo dogodek vedno aktualen in zanimiv za udeležence, kako poskrbeti za čim boljše mreženje in kakšno komunikacijo o dogodku vzpostaviti, da bo dosegla čim večje število potencialnih udeležencev.

Keywords:menedžment talentov, znanost, industrija, sodelovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132388 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The importance of collaboration between the Academy and Industry: Case study of a selected company
In the master's thesis we present the concept of talent management and the aspect of collaboration between academia and industry. The theoretical part of the thesis is divided into two sets. In the first set, talent management and its elements are professionally defined, such as planning and talent attraction, selection and introduction of newly accepted talents in the organization, and their development and keeping in the organization. In detail, we focus on the phenomenon of global talent management. In the second set, the importance of cooperation between science and industry for the development and management of talents is presented and the advantages and limitations of this cooperation. In the empirical part, both presented sets are combined into an analysis of an innovative event organized by a selected company. For the company, the event represents one of the keyways of attracting and hiring talents. The event organizers and former event participants, now employees of the company, were interviewed to explore the reasons for the introduction of the event in the company, what positive aspects it brings, what are its goals and aspects. We further wanted to explore what potential shortcomings were perceived, where there are opportunities for improvement and potential challenges for the future. We found that the company decided to organize the event primarily with the aim of acquiring and hiring the best talents and because of the very recognition of the company as a good employer. Both goals have also been successfully achieved, and in doing so, the company also faces certain challenges. We conclude that the personnel potential that could be reached with the event is still underused. The company also faces challenges on how to ensure that the event is always up-to-date and interesting for the participants, how to ensure the best possible networking and how to establish communication about the event to reach as many potential participants as possible.

Keywords:talent management, academia, industry, collaboration

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