
Primerjalna analiza motiva revščine v slikanicah
ID Mezeg, Gabriela (Author), ID Blažič, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6990/ This link opens in a new window

Prvi del diplomskega dela bo vseboval opredelitev in predstavitev mladinske književnosti ter mladinske književnosti s problemsko tematiko. Zatem bom prešla na problemsko tematiko današnjega življenja, predvsem problem pomanjkanja, ki ga bom prepletla s politično-filozofskim esejem Človeška duša v socializmu (1993) avtorja Oscarja Wilda. Pisateljevo kompleksno ustvarjanje in razmišljanje je bilo v veliki meri pogojeno z njegovo nadarjenostjo, zrelostjo, rahločutnostjo in občutkom za lepo; v precejšnji meri pa tudi z dogodki v času njegovega življenja ter okoljem in časom, v katerem je živel. Zato bo sledila kratka predstavitev njegovega življenja. V nadaljevanju bo sledila predstavitev prelomnega literarnega dela mladinske književnosti, dnevnika Ane Frank ‒ to sicer ni slikanica, je pa izjemno književno besedilo, osredinjeno na življenje v vojnih okoliščinah, s čimer v celoti zaobjame problemsko tematiko nasploh (bolezni, revščino, socialno izolacijo, vojno ipd.). Nato bom predstavila slikanico in njene poglavitne značilnosti ter prešla na slikaniške upodobitve del slovenskega klasika Ivana Cankarja, katerega veliki vzornik je bil predhodno omenjen irski ustvarjalec Oscar Wilde. Predstavila bom Cankarjeva dela v slikaniški obliki in tista, ki se nanj navezujejo (Blažić v Čeh Steger, Pulko in Zemljak Zones, 2018). Zatem bom nadaljevala z opisom dveh slovenskih slikanic, v katerih prevladuje tematika revščine: slikanico Šivilja in škarjice avtorja Dragotina Ketteja ter slikanico Tu blizu živi deklica, avtorice Ide Mlakar Črnič. Sledila bo predstavitev izobrazbe in dela švedske akademičarke, literarne kritičarke in pisateljice otroške ter mladinske književnosti Marie Nikolajeve. Teoretični del bom zaključila z opisom glavnih vidikov, ki jih Maria Nikolajeva preučuje pri analiziranju slikanic. Ti so: prizorišče, karakterizacije, perspektive, časovnost ter modalnost (Nikolajeva in Gostinčar Cerar, 2003). V nadaljevanju v empiričnem delu diplomskega dela bom pri lastnih primerjalnih analizah upoštevala omenjene vidike. V drugem, empiričnem delu diplomskega dela bo sledila primerjalna analiza slovenskih slikanic, ki tematizirajo revščino, po obdobjih od leta 1848 do 2021, in sicer v petih sklopih: 1848‒1918 Fran Miličinski ‒ Tolovaj Mataj: Trije hlapci; 1918‒1941 France Bevk ‒ Grivarjevi otroci; 1941‒1991 Ivan Cankar ‒ Pehar suhih hrušk; 1991‒ 2004 Charles Perrault ‒ Obuti maček in 2004‒2021 Saša Pergar ‒ O mestni in poljski miški. Za vsako obdobje bom izbrala najbolj reprezentativno slikanico. Vseh slikanic, ki jih bom analizirala, bo 5. Analizirala pa jih bom s citati iz verbalnega in vizualnega besedila (ilustracije). Za konec bom spoznanja iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela povzela v enem odstavku ter jih razčlenila tudi z vidika predšolske vzgoje. Sledil bo kratek premislek o prihodnosti ‒ bo v svetu še več socialnih primerov? Ali lahko z optimizmom zavrnemo to postavko in zatrdimo, da jih bo manj?

Keywords:Maria Nikolajeva
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132372 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:81539331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Comparative analysis of the poverty motif in picture books
The first part of the thesis will include a definition and presentation of youth literature and youth literature with thematic issues. I will then turn to the problematic issues of today's life, in particular the problem of scarcity, which I will intertwine with Oscar Wilde's political-philosophical essay The Human Soul under Socialism (1993). The writer's complex creativity and thinking is largely conditioned by his talent, maturity, sensitivity and sense of the beautiful; but also, to a large extent, by the events of his lifetime and the environment and times in which he lived. A short presentation of his life will follow. This will be followed by the presentation of a groundbreaking literary work of youth literature, the diary of Anne Frank - not a picture book, but an extraordinary literary text focusing on life in wartime circumstances, thus fully embracing the problematic themes in general (disease, poverty, social isolation, war, etc.). I will then introduce the picture book and it’s main features, and move on to the picture book depictions of the works of the Slovenian classic Ivan Cankar, whose great role model was the previously mentioned Irish author Oscar Wilde. I will present Cankar's works in pictorial form and those that refer to him (Blažić v Čeh Steger, Pulko in Zemljak Zones, 2018). Then I will continue with a description of two Slovenian picture books in which the theme of poverty is prevalent: the picture book The Seamstress and the scissors by Dragotin Kette and the picture book Near there lives the girl by Ida Mlakar Črnič. This will be followed by a presentation of the education and work of the Swedish academic, literary critic and writer of children's and young people's literature Maria Nikolajeva. I will conclude the theoretical part by describing the main aspects that Maria Nikolajeva examines when she analyses picture books. These are: setting, characterisations, perspectives, temporality and modality (Nikolajeva and Gostinčar Cerar, 2003). In the empirical part of the thesis, I will take these aspects into account in my own comparative analyses. In the second ‒ empirical part of the thesis, a comparative analysis of Slovenian picture books on poverty will be carried out in five parts, from 1848 to 2021: 1848‒1918 Fran Miličinski ‒ Tolovaj Mataj: Three servants; 1918‒1941 France Bevk ‒ Grivar's children; 1941‒1991; Ivan Cankar ‒ A bunch of dried pears; 1991‒2004 Charles Perrault ‒ The shoeless cat and 2004‒2021 Pergar Saša ‒ About the city and the field mouse. I will choose the most representative picture book for each period. There will be 5 picture books to analyse. I will analyse them with quotes from verbal and visual text (illustrations). Finally, I will summarise the findings from the theoretical and empirical work in one paragraph and also analyse them from the perspective of early childhood education. This will be followed by a brief reflection on the future ‒ will there be more social cases in the world? Can we optimistically dismiss this item and say that there will be fewer of them?

Keywords:Maria Nikolajeva

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