
Primerjava dveh učbenikov za francoščino kot tuji jezik z vidika kognitivne lingvistike
ID Potočnik, Ivana (Author), ID Lah, Meta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kognitivna lingvistika nam ponuja mnogo novih načinov poučevanja tujih jezikov. Čeprav je prisotna že od osemdestih let prejšnega stoletja, je še vedno malo uporabljena in precej neprepoznana. Glavna značilnost, ki jo razlikuje od ostalega jezikoslovja, na primer strukturalizma, je, da povezuje jezik z vsemi kognitivnimi področji. Cilj našega magistrskega dela je bil, da dokažemo, kako je s časom naraslo tudi zavedanje naših mentalnih procesov, prisotnih pri učenju tujih jezikov. Tako smo primerjali dva učbenika za francoščino kot tuji jezik, ki sta izšla v Franciji. Prvi, Panorama 1, je izšel leta 1997 in drugi, Défi 1, leta 2018. Rezultati analiz so jasni: Panorama 1, čeprav izhaja iz komunikativnega pristopa, še vedno sloni na zastarelih prepričanjih, da je treba jezik obravnavati kot samostojen sistem. Na drugi strani pa nam Défi 1 dokazuje ravno nasprotno, da je jezik prisoten v vseh naših dejanjih. Défi 1 spodbuja učence, da pristopajo k učenju novega jezika z vsem znanjem, ki ga že imajo na razpolago in z vso možno pomočjo (internet, slovarji, raziskave). Če povzamemo, lahko trdimo, da je viden napredek, ki spodbuja prepoznavnanje kognitivnih procesov, ki olajšajo učenje tujih jezikov.

Keywords:kognitivna lingvistika, poučevanje tujih jezikov, učbeniki, francoščina kot tuji jezik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132335 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of two FLE textbooks from the perspective of cognitive linguistics
Cognitive linguistics offers us many new possibilities in the field of teaching foreign languages. Although the beginnings lead back to the 1980s, it is still rarely used and rather unrecognised. The main characteristic that distinguishes it from other branches of linguistics, such as structuralism, is that it connects language with all cognitive capacities. The aim of our master’s thesis was to prove how the awareness of our mental processes present in learning foreign languages has grown over time. Thus, we compared two textbooks for French as a foreign language published in France. The first, Panorama 1, was published in 1997 and the second, Défi 1, in 2008. The results of the analyses are clear: Panorama 1, despite the fact that it is based on a communicative approach, still relies on outdated beliefs that language should be considered an autonomous system. On the other hand, Défi 1 proves to us just the opposite, that language is present in all our actions. Défi 1 encourages students to approach learning a new language with all the knowledge they have at their disposal and with all possible resources (internet, dictionaries, researches). To summarise, we can argue that there is visible progress that encourages the recognition of cognitive processes that facilitate foreign language learning.

Keywords:cognitive linguistics, teaching foreign languages, textbooks, FLE

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