
Deleuze in Nietzsche: nova podoba filozofije
ID Markeš, Janez (Author), ID Dolar Bahovec, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Deleuze in Nietzsche: nova podoba filozofije Namen naloge je pokazati, v čem in na kakšen način sta Deleuze in pred njim Nietzsche zasnovala novo podobo filozofije. Temelj zanjo sta postavila po novi podobi mišljenja. Deleuze je v tem smislu avtentičen nadaljevalec Nietzschejeve misli. Skupaj sta zgodovini filozofije in njenemu metafizičnemu projektu dala alternativo postajanja v doživeti resničnosti – v svetu, ki ga po Nietzscheju zaznamuje volja do moči in večno vračanje, po Deleuzu pa na tej podlagi transcendentalni empirizem oziroma vzpostavitev mišljenja v svojem bistvu, kar pomeni afirmacijo razlike. V tem smislu Deleuze nadaljuje prelomni filozofski pristop, ki ga začne z Nietzschejem. Tako zasnuje novo nalogo filozofije, ki pa je v misli brez podobe, v kreaciji brez reprezentacije, v lastni misli. Ključne besede: Nietzsche, Deleuze, nova podoba misli, nova podoba filozofije, pojem, ravnina imanence, ponavljanje in vračanje, geofilozofija, met kock, nihilizem, resentiment, amor fati, afirmacija, nomadska misel, Ojdipov kompleks filozofije.

Keywords:Nietzsche, Deleuze, nova podoba misli, nova podoba filozofije, pojem, ravnina imanence, ponavljanje in vračanje, geofilozofija, met kock, nihilizem, resentiment, amor fati, afirmacija, nomadska misel, Ojdipov kompleks filozofije.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132310 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:90150659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Deleuze and Nietzsche: A New Image (Face) of Philosophy
Deleuze and Nietzsche: A New Image (Face) of Philosophy The aim of this thesis is to show in what way Deleuze, and before him Nietzsche, conceived a new image of philosophy, for which they laid the foundations through a new image of thinking. In this sense, Deleuze is the authentic continuator of Nietzsche's thought. Together, they gave the history of philosophy and its metaphysical project an alternative to becoming in experiential reality; in a world marked, according to Nietzsche, by the will to power and eternal return, and, according to Deleuze, on this basis by transcendental empiricism or the establishment of thought in its essence, which means the affirmation of difference. In this sense, Deleuze continues the groundbreaking philosophical approach he begins with Nietzsche. Thus he conceives a new task for philosophy, which, however, is in thought without image, in creation without representation, in thought itself.

Keywords:Nietzsche, Deleuze, new image of thought, new image of philosophy, concept, plane of immanence, repetition and return, geophilosophy, roll of the dice, nihilism, resentiment, amor fati, affirmation, nomadic thought, Oedipus complex of philosophy

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