
Papir kot dediščina: Analiza izbranih primerov manufakturne izdelave papirja na Slovenskem
ID Troha, Kristijan (Author), ID Habinc, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi sta predstavljena kratek zgodovinski pregled manufakturne izdelave papirja in analiza procesa izdelave papirja različnih mojstrov, ki so in še izdelujejo papir na Slovenskem. Predstavljena sta delo in tehnologija obrti štirih izdelovalcev: Janeza Kvaternika - Kamniškega, Janeza Rozmana, Marka Drpića in mojstrske delavnice PAPLAB. Predstavljene so tehnologije sodobne manufakturne izdelave papirja in primerjalna analiza postopka, orodja in surovin sodobnih izdelovalcev. Raziskano je tako pojmovanje tradicionalnosti in avtentičnosti kot sama tradicionalnost in avtentičnost izdelave papirja, ali izdelovalci svoje delo smatrajo za dediščino, kako razumejo in vrednotijo obrt in svoje delo s stališča tradicije in avtentičnosti, katera merila uporabljajo za dokazovanje le-te ter kaj vpis tehnologije izdelave v Register nesnovne kulturne dediščine pomeni za samo obrt, nosilce in druge izdelovalce. Predstavljen je Center za konservacijo in restavracijo arhivskega gradiva v Arhivu Republike Slovenije z namenom predstavitve tehnologije in postopkov, ki so uporabljeni pri restavraciji in konservaciji manufakturno izdelanega papirja, ter statusa ustanove, ki hrani na Slovenskem manufakturno izdelan papir.

Keywords:papir, obrt, manufaktura, dediščina, avtentičnost, tradicija, Slovenija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132303 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Paper as Heritage: An Analysis of Selected Cases of Paper Manufacturing in Slovenia
The master's thesis presents a brief historical overview of the manufacturing of paper and an analysis of the process of making paper by various masters who have and still are making paper in Slovenia. The work and technology of crafts of four manufacturers are presented: Janez Kvaternik - Kamniški, Janez Rozman, Marko Drpić and the master workshop PAPLAB. Technologies of modern manufacturing of paper and comparative analysis of the process, tools and raw materials of modern manufacturers are presented. The notion of traditionality and authenticity as well as the traditionality and authenticity of paper production itself are explored, whether manufacturers consider their work as heritage, how they understand and value crafts and their work from the point of view of tradition and authenticity, what criteria they use to prove it and what the entry of craft into The Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage means for craft itself, its holders and other producers. The Center for Conservation and Restoration of Archival Material in the Archive of the Republic of Slovenia is presented in order to present the technology and procedures used in the restoration and conservation of manufactured paper and the status of the institution that stores manufactured paper in Slovenia.

Keywords:paper, craft, manufacture, heritage, authenticity, tradition, Slovenia

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