
Development of a user interface for autonomous vehicle using Flutter tool
ID MITROVIĆ, NIKOLA (Author), ID Sodnik, Jaka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Autonomous vehicles will play an important role in the transportation revolution. The transportation revolution will have a huge impact on the overall economy and the whole society. The crucial advantage of using autonomous vehicles is a reduction in the number of traffic accidents due to shorter reaction times in critical situations compared to human drivers. Although a lot of research has been done in the field of autonomous vehicles, people are still not sufficiently familiar with this technology. They are mainly concerned with the consequences of system or equipment failure. The level of vehicle autonomy is directly linked to its technological complexity. Autonomous vehicles simultaneously use various sensors to identify the environment and other vehicles around them. Fear of hacker attacks is also present as well as a concern related to interaction with other vehicles, data privacy, location tracking, and the performance of autonomous vehicles in different weather conditions. As long as autonomous vehicles are still improving, the design and role of the user interface are essential for ensuring that the user understands the information provided by autonomous vehicles during various driving scenarios. Information display is necessary for increasing users’ comfort level because it helps to prepare and to inform the user about what can happen in a certain situation before it occurs. Without a user interface to present information about the current status of the autonomous vehicle and its actions, users will not understand and familiarize themselves with the capabilities of the system. This thesis gives an overview of the technical characteristics of autonomous vehicles, covers a brief history of the autonomous driving field, the advantages and disadvantages of autonomous vehicles. It also highlights the importance of human—machine interaction in such vehicles and particularly the role of user interface (UI) design. The thesis describes the design process of concrete UI concept for an autonomous in-car dashboard. The UI was implemented in the application following previously covered design principles. This application, as the main functionality, emphasizes visualization of critical driving situations and provides information on current and future autonomous vehicle (AV) behaviour. The goal of the designed user interface is to ensure that the user has a certain level of comfort and trust during the drive, to provide alerts and warnings on time but also to keep the user informed about autonomous vehicle’s conditions as well as its surroundings. The first part of user interface (UI) design includes planning each component using a wireframe. The wireframe has a purpose to provide a visual understanding of user interface parts and the flow of the application before further development. The wireframe demonstrates which interface elements will be shown on the dashboard. In our case, the main components are left and right virtual screens. Flutter application is further developed following the wireframe and tested on the web using various web browsers. The left screen has the purpose of visualizing surroundings using various graphic elements and animations during the drive. These include short animations, warnings, indicators, various graphics, text, and animated widgets that the Flutter framework supports. The right virtual screen shows a video recording of the driving, captured in the driving simulator from the driving perspective. Situations that are visualized in this application are acquired from the Nervtech driving simulator video. Nowadays, when a lot of new technologies are available, it is not easy to decide what is the most suitable framework for a particular problem. Choosing the most appropriate framework can significantly speed up the development process. Since animations and graphics are essential parts for visualizing driving situations of selected driving sessions, the main reason to select the Flutter framework for the practical part of the thesis was its capability and efficiency for handling animations and web rendering. Flutter uses customizable widgets for animating objects which makes the development process faster. The most important widgets used for the implementation are also described in the thesis. Secondly, Flutter framework was chosen also due to its ability to implement complex animations with minimum lines of code and its possibility to run the developed application on different devices, both Android and iOS devices with one codebase. The developed user interface has an important goal of increasing users’ understanding of autonomous vehicles’ future actions by providing visual information on future maneuvers such as braking, accelerating, lane changing, overtaking, etc. This results in increased comfort level, reduction of stress and finally also increased trust in the technology. Our future work includes integration of the developed interface with a driving simulator to enable real-time performance of the UI based on a simulated drive.

Keywords:autonomous vehicle, transportation, user interface, visualization, Flutter, Dart, Android, iOS, user experience, animation
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132246 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:81577475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.10.2021
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Title:Razvoj uporabniškega vmesnika za avtonomno vozilo s pomočjo orodja Flutter
Avtonomna vozila bodo imela pomembno vlogo v prometni revoluciji, ta pa bo imela velik vpliv na splošno gospodarstvo in celotno družbo. Ključna prednost uporabe avtonomnih vozil je zmanjšanje števila prometnih nesreč zaradi krajših reakcijskih časov v kritičnih situacijah v primerjavi s človeškimi vozniki. Čeprav je bilo na področju avtonomnih vozil opravljenih veliko raziskav, ljudje še vedno niso dovolj seznanjeni s to tehnologijo. Zanimajo jih predvsem posledice okvare sistema ali opreme. Stopnja avtonomije vozila je neposredno povezana z njeno tehnološko kompleksnostjo. Avtonomna vozila hkrati uporabljajo različne senzorje za prepoznavanje okolja in drugih vozil okoli njih. Prisoten je tudi strah pred hekerskimi napadi, pa tudi skrb v zvezi z interakcijo z drugimi vozili, zasebnostjo podatkov, sledenjem lokaciji in delovanjem avtonomnih vozil v različnih vremenskih razmerah. Dokler se avtonomna vozila še izboljšujejo, sta zasnova in vloga uporabniškega vmesnika bistvena za zagotovitev, da uporabnik razume informacije, ki jih avtonomna vozila posredujejo med različnimi scenariji vožnje. Prikaz informacij je potreben za povečanje ravni udobja uporabnikov, saj pomaga pri pripravi in obveščanju uporabnika o tem, kaj se lahko zgodi v določeni situaciji, preden se to zgodi. Brez uporabniškega vmesnika za predstavitev informacij o trenutnem stanju avtonomnega vozila in njegovih dejanjih uporabniki ne bodo razumeli in se seznanili z zmogljivostmi sistema. Diplomsko delo ponuja pregled tehničnih značilnosti avtonomnih vozil, zajema kratko zgodovino področja avtonomne vožnje ter opisuje prednosti in slabosti avtonomnih vozil. Poudarja tudi pomen interakcije človek-stroj v takšnih vozilih in zlasti vlogo oblikovanja uporabniškega vmesnika (UI). Diplomsko delo opisuje postopek oblikovanja konkretnega koncepta uporabniškega vmesnika za armaturno ploščo v avtonomnem avtomobilu. Uporabniški vmesnik je bil v aplikacijo implementiran po prej obravnavanih načelih oblikovanja. Ta aplikacija kot glavno funkcionalnost poudarja vizualizacijo kritičnih situacij med vožnjo in ponuja informacije o trenutnem in prihodnjem obnašanju avtonomnih vozil (AV). Cilj oblikovanega uporabniškega vmesnika je zagotoviti, da ima uporabnik med vožnjo določeno raven udobja in zaupanja. Prav tako je pomembno uporabniku pravočasno prikazati različne opombe in opozorila, hkrati pa obveščati uporabnika o stanju avtonomnega vozila in okolici. Prvi del zasnove uporabniškega vmesnika (UI) vključuje načrtovanje vsake komponente z uporabo žičnega okvirja. Žični okvir ima namen vizualno razumeti dele uporabniškega vmesnika in tok aplikacije pred nadaljnjim razvojem. Žični okvir tako prikazuje, kateri elementi vmesnika bodo dejansko prikazani na armaturni plošči. V našem primeru sta glavni komponenti levi in desni virtualna zaslon. Aplikacija Flutter je bila torej razvita na osnovi predlaganih žičnih okvirih in preizkušena na spletu z različnimi spletnimi brskalniki. Levi zaslon ima namen vizualizacije okolice z uporabo različnih grafičnih elementov in animacij med vožnjo. Ti vključujejo kratke animacije, opozorila, indikatorje, različne grafike, besedilo in animirane pripomočke, ki jih podpira okvir Flutter. Desni virtualni zaslon prikazuje video posnetek vožnje, posnet v simulatorju vožnje z voznikove perspektive. Situacije, ki so prikazane v tej aplikaciji, so pridobljene iz videoposnetka simulatorja vožnje Nervtech. Danes, ko je na voljo veliko novih tehnologij, se ni lahko odločiti, katero orodje je za določen problem najprimernejše. Izbira najprimernejšega orodja lahko bistveno pospeši razvojni proces. Ker so animacije in grafike bistveni deli vizualizacije situacij različnih vozniških posnetkov, je bil glavni razlog za izbiro okvira Flutter za praktični del diplomske naloge njegova sposobnost in učinkovitost pri ravnanju z animacijami in spletnim izrisovanjem. Flutter za prikaz animacij uporablja posebne prilagodljive gradnike, kar pospeši razvojni proces. V diplomski nalogi so zato opisani vsi najpomembnejši gradniki, uporabljeni za izvedbo. Drugič, ogrodje Flutter je bilo izbrano tudi zaradi njegove zmožnosti izvajanja kompleksnih animacij z minimalnim številom vrstic kode in možnosti poganjanja razvite aplikacije na različnih napravah, tako napravah Android kot iOS z isto kodno bazo. Razviti uporabniški vmesnik ima pomemben cilj povečati razumevanje uporabnikov o prihodnjih akcijah avtonomnih vozil z zagotavljanjem vizualnih informacij o prihajajočih manevrih, kot so zaviranje, pospeševanje, spreminjanje voznega pasu, prehitevanje itd. To ima za posledico povečano raven udobja, zmanjšanje stresa in končno tudi povečano zaupanje ljudi v to tehnologijo. Naše prihodnje delo vključuje integracijo razvitega vmesnika s simulatorjem vožnje za omogočanje delovanja uporabniškega vmesnika v realnem času na podlagi simulirane vožnje.

Keywords:avtonomno vozilo, prevoz, uporabniški vmesnik, vizualizacija, Flutter, Dart, Android, iOS, uporabniška izkušnja, animacija

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