In my thesis I will describe the proces of producing a dramatic video for television. The video will show events around the world and Slovenia due to the epidemic, which was caused by the corona-virus (COVID-19).
In the first part of the thesis, I will describe what it takes to make a video for television, the rules regarding the creation of a television video, the contribution of journalists, description of the recording equipment and the software that I used for the making of the video.
In the middle part, I have described in detail the production aspects of the video from the beginning to the end. This part contains information about the filming of the footage, the meaning behind individual shots and the effect they have on the viewers. I will present the editing or post – production of the footage by using the program EDIUS and the processing of the audio in Adobe Audition.
In the last part of the diploma I will present a survey. The survey was presented to my coworkers at the television station, whose professional life revolves around the creation of informational content and video-editing. Before they had to answer the questions and grade the quality, give their opinion and critique, they had to watch the created video. The first part is simple, without special effects and muscial background, while the second part includes the dramatic effects.
It is possible to view the final video.