
Pravno varstvo del uporabne umetnosti
ID Okorn, Nastja (Author), ID Damjan, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem diplomskem delu je predstavljena zaščita za dela uporabne umetnosti in industrijskega oblikovanja. Ta dela združujejo elemente estetike in funkcionalnosti ter so lahko predmet zaščite z avtorsko pravico in modelom, medtem ko v praksi zato nemalokrat pride do prekrivanja obeh vrst zaščite. Na splošno sočasna in zaporedna zaščita pripeljeta do prekomerne zaščite, saj pride do podaljševanja zaščite za imetnika pravic enega takega dela. Prav zato pravo intelektualne lastnine igra pomembno vlogo pri regulaciji ustvarjanja kreacij in njihovi uporabi. Pomembno vlogo pri razumevanju pravne zaščite za dela uporabne umetnosti imajo odločitve nacionalnih sodišč in Sodišče EU, ki s svojo sodno prakso na konkretnih primerih podaja razlago glede določb mednarodnih in evropskih pravnih virov ter vzpostavlja enotne standarde z namenom poenotenja tprava EU. V Združenih državah Amerike je uveljavljena doktrina fizične in konceptualne ločljivosti, medtem ko je pri tem estetski element predmeta v primerjavi z novejšo sodno prakso EU (ki zavrača presojo estetike) še posebnega pomena pri presoji, ali je delo lahko zaščiteno z avtorsko pravico kot delo uporabne umetnosti. Cilj magistrskega diplomskega dela je predstaviti razlike med zaščito z avtorsko pravico in pravico modela ter njuno vlogo pri zaščiti del uporabne umetnosti in industrijskega oblikovanja ter učinke prekrivanja take zaščite. Predstavljena je tudi mednarodnopravna, evropska in nacionalna ureditev Slovenije, Nemčije, Portugalske in Združenih držav Amerike za dela uporabne umetnosti.

Keywords:avtorska pravica, model, uporabna umetnost, izvirnost, individualnost, estetika, funkcionalnost, prekrivanje zaščite
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-132043 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:80336387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Legal protection of works of applied art
This thesis discusses the subject of protection for works of applied art and industrial design. These works combine elements of aesthetics and functionality and thus can be the subject of copyright and design protection, but in practice there is often an overlap depending on the type of protection acquired. In general, simultaneous and sequential protection leads to excessive protection, as there is an extension of protection for the copyright rightholder of one such work. This is why intellectual property law plays an important role in regulating creation of works and their use. The decisions made by national courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union play important roles in understanding the legal protection for works of applied art. The doctrine of physical and conceptual separation was established in the United States, where the aesthetic element of the subject is of particular importance in assessing whether works can be protected by copyright as a work of applied art, as opposed to recent EU case law which rejects aesthetic judgment when assessing those same types of works. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the differences between copyright protection and design rights and their role in the protection of works of applied art and industrial design, and the effects of when such protections overlap. International and European laws, as well as the national regulations of Slovenia, Germany, Portugal and the United States for works of applied art are also presented.

Keywords:Copyright, Design, Applied Art, Originality, Individuality, Aesthetics, Functionality, Protection overlap

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