
Grad Prem: Zgodovina gradu in njegov današnji kulturno-turistični pomen
ID Lever Boštjančič, Tevž (Author), ID Jezernik, Božidar (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jerše, Sašo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil podati splošen pregled celotne zgodovine gradu Prem ter predstaviti njegov kulturni in turistični pomen danes. Delo je skupno interdisciplinarno na Oddelku za zgodovino ter Oddelku za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo. Pisanje je potekalo ob pregledovanju in interpretaciji ustreznih virov in literature ter sodelovanju s TIC Ilirska Bistrica in Anejo Rože, kustosinjo iz Pokrajinskega muzeja Koper, enota Ilirska Bistrica. Grad Prem, ki je bil prvič posredno omenjen leta 1213, je skozi svojo zgodovino menjal številne lastnike in doživel veliko pozidav, dozidav in kasneje obnov. Zlasti slednje so poskrbele, da grad stoji še danes, kar je na območju občine Ilirska Bistrica bolj izjema kot pravilo. Čeprav ni bil največji ali najpomembnejši, je njegova zgodovina vseeno obširna in zanimiva, predvsem za prebivalce vasi Prem in okoliških krajev. S številnimi zgodovinskimi in arheološkimi raziskavami ter pedagoškim programom na gradu se poznavanje gradu in njegove zgodovine širi med splošno publiko. Prav tako se s tem ohranja kulturna dediščina gradu, vasi Prem in tudi širše okolice, kar na koncu pripelje tudi do večjega turističnega obiska in prepoznavnosti teh krajev.

Keywords:Prem, grad, kulturna dediščina, turizem, stavbni razvoj
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Castle Prem: The history of the castle and its cultural and tourist significance today
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a general overview of Prem Castle's complete history and to represent its current cultural and tourist importance. The paper is interdisciplinary, connecting the Faculty of History and the Faculty of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology. It was composed with the use and interpretation of corresponding sources and literature, including cooperation with TIC Ilirska Bistrica and Aneja Rože, curator in the Regional Museum Koper, the unit of Ilirska Bistrica. The first direct mention of Castle Prem dates back to the year 1213, and during its history has had many owners and has been the object of several reconstructions, additions, and later restorations. Especially the latter enabled the castle to still exist today, which is more of an exception than the rule in the municipality of Ilirska Bistrica. Despite not being the largest or the most important, its history nevertheless proves to be extensive and intriguing, especially for the inhabitants of Prem and the surrounding towns and villages. The knowledge about the castle and its history is growing among the general public due to several historical and archaeological studies and pedagogic projects about the castle. Additionally, this helps preserve the cultural heritage of the castle, village Prem, and the wider surrounding area, which finally makes the destination more popular and recognizable with tourists.

Keywords:Prem, castle, cultural heritage, tourism, building development

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