
Pokopi, obredi in fragmentirana telesa v prazgodovini
ID Toličič, Ana (Author), ID Budja, Mihael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Obdobje akeramičnega neolitika na Levantu je obdobje velikih družbenih in gospodarskih sprememb. Za ustvarjanje in ohranjanje socialne kohezije ter uravnavanje družbenega stresa so prebivalci razvili nove oblike pogrebnih praks in kolektivnih ritualov, ki so jim pomagali pri izoblikovanju kolektivne identitete in spomina. Diplomska naloga se ukvarja z rituali, povezanimi s kolektivnimi javnimi prostori in bolj omejenimi konteksti pokopov znotraj hiš. Pri obeh gre za fizično in simbolno povezovanje živih in mrtvih. Obravnavan je tudi odnos med ljudmi, predniki, živalmi in predmeti.

Keywords:akeramični neolitik, rituali, Levant, odstranjevanje lobanj, kolektivni spomin, predniki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131907 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Burials, rituals and fragmented bodies in prehistory
The Pre-Pottery Neolithic period in the Levant is a period of great social and economic change. To create and maintain social cohesion and manage social stress, inhabitants developed new forms of funeral practices and collective rituals that helped them shape their collective identities and memory. This thesis deals with rituals associated with collective public spaces and the more limited contexts of house burials. Both represent physical and symbolic connections between the living and the dead. The relationship between humans, ancestors, animals and objects is also discussed.

Keywords:Pre-Pottery Neolithic, ritual, Levant, skull removal, collective memory, ancestors

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