
Dojenje otrok z Downovim sindromom : diplomsko delo
ID Gomsi, Lučka (Author), ID Vettorazzi, Renata (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bizjak, Martina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Downov sindrom je najpogostejša kromosomska motnja med novorojenčki. V Sloveniji beležimo en primer na približno 1000 porodov. Ljudje z Downovim sindromom imajo en dodaten kromosom na 21. kromosomskem paru. Otroci z Downovim sindromom se lahko dojijo prav tako kot zdravi otroci, le da pri njih pogosteje pričakujemo zaplete in ovire. Najboljša izbira za optimalno rast otroka je zagotovo materino mleko, saj je popolnoma prilagojeno otroku. Dojenje ima številne prednosti za otroka, mater in okolje. Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija prve pol leta otrokovega življenja priporoča izključno dojenje. Namen: diplomskega dela je predstaviti dojenje otrok z Downovim sindromom in izkušnje mater. Metode dela: izvedli smo pregled literature in deskriptivno predstavili rezultate. Za namen analize smo poiskali članke in knjige v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Članke smo pridobili v obdobju od marca 2019 do julija 2020, preko podatkovnih baz CINAHL, Medline/PubMed, DIKUL ter Google učenjak. Rezultati: izključno dojenje je pri otrocih z Downovim sindromom manj pogosto kot pri zdravih otrocih, za kar so pogosto krive prirojene značilnosti teh otrok. Najpogostejše težave, ki jih pri dojenju navajajo matere, so posledica hipotonije dojenčkov ter težave s pristavljanjem in sesanjem, kar pogosto vodi v zmanjšanje telesne mase. Po šestih mesecih težave običajno izzvenijo. Najpogosteje svetovan prijem dojenja je plesalčev prijem. Matere pravijo, da se zdravstveni delavci preveč ozirajo na telesno težo dojenčka in premalo na način hranjenja. Razprava in zaključek: ugotovili smo, da so dojenčki s trisomijo 21 redkeje dojeni in hranjeni z materinim mlekom, kar lahko pomembno vpliva na kakovost njihovega življenja v otroški in odrasli dobi. Kljub svojim posebnostim jim lahko s primernimi tehnikami zagotovimo lažje in manj stresno dojenje. Potrebna je celostna, individualna podpora in pomoč materam ter zagotavljanje možnosti izključnega dojenja tudi v primeru hospitalizacije.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, dojenje, materino mleko, Downov sindrom, prehranjevanje, kromosomske napake, hipotonija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Gomsi]
Number of pages:33 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131791 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:78914819 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Breastfeeding of infants with Down syndrome : diploma work
Introduction: Down syndrome is the most common chromosome abnormality in the population of newborns. In Slovenia we mark 1 case on 1000 births. People with DS have one excessive 21st chromosome. Babies with DS can be breastfeed just like heathy children, but we can expect more issuses and problems. The best feeding choice for the baby is to be fed with mother´s milk by breastfeeding, because it is the most optimal for it´s growth and development. Exclusive breasfeeding for six moths is the golden standard according to the World Health Organization. Purpose: to represent breastfeeding of infants with Down syndrome and their mother's experience. Methods: we have made literature rewiev with a descriptive researh. We have found books and articles in Slovenian and English language on CINAHL, Medline/PubMed, DIKUL and Google Scolar. We categorised the articles into four groups based on content. The search was active from March 2019 to July 2020. Results: Babies with Down syndrome are less likely to be exclusively breastfed than healthy babies, because of their inborn charasterictis. The most common issues are hipotony, slow swallowing, sucking reflex and weak lip seal, wich often causes loss of weight. After six months those issues usually subside. The most commonly recommended technique to avoid those problems is the dancer hold. The most commonly exposed problem that mothers noticed are health care workers being too focused on the weight gain and not enought focused on the breastfeeding technique. Discussion and conclusion: we found babies with threesomy 21 are less likely to be breastfed or fed with mother´s milk, which can cause great effect on their future childhood and adulthood living quality. Despite their issues, with the right support and knowlage we can assure them more stress free breastfeeding. The importance of wholesome and individual treatment can not be overrated. It is important to assure breastfeading if possible during the hospitalization as well.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, breastfeeding, mother’s milk, Down syndrome, feeding, chromosome abnormalities, hipotony

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