
Analiza izvajanja programa planinstva v rednem programu osnovnih šol na področju Mestne občine Ljubljana : magistrsko delo
ID Mejač, Luka (Author), ID Debevec, Tadej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti stanje izvajanja programa planinstva v rednem programu osnovnih šol na področju Mestne občine Ljubljana (MOL). Zanimalo nas je, v kolikšni meri osnovne šole izvajajo praktične in teoretične vsebine planinstva, ki so opredeljene v Učnem načrtu predmeta šport. Za pridobivanje podatkov smo uporabili spletno anketo. V raziskavi je bilo skupno udeleženih 38 športnih pedagogov, predstavnikov posameznih šol v MOL, to je 74,5 % vseh predstavnikov osnovnih šol v MOL. Rezultati kažejo, da šole v veliki večini (89,47 %) izvajajo program planinstva. Večinoma praktične vsebine izvedejo v obliki športnih dni, manj pa v šoli v naravi. Planinske vsebine izvajajo v šoli v naravi, kjer je sicer poudarek na vsebinah smučanja in plavanja ter drugih predmetov. Šolo v naravi s poudarkom na planinskih vsebinah izvajata le dve šoli iz naše raziskave. Športni kolektivi pri izvajanju planinskih vsebin večinoma (92,56 %) posredujejo tudi teoretične vsebine. Večina osnovnih šol (65,52 %) v MOL pri načrtovanju in izvedbi planinskih dejavnosti ne sodeluje s planinskimi društvi ter planinskimi ali gorskimi vodniki. Prav tako športni kolektivi večinoma (52 %) ne sodelujejo pri načrtovanju planinskih vsebin z aktivom učiteljev razrednega pouka na njihovi šoli. Za razliko od drugega in tretjega obdobja v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju izvedene praktične vsebine planinstva ne omogočajo, da bi učenci dosegali standarde znanja iz Učnega načrta za šport. Rešitev za usklajenost in kvalitetno izvedbo planinskih vsebin vidimo v povezovanju s planinskimi društvi. Temelj izvajanja planinskih vsebin mora biti pripravljen program planinskih vsebin za vseh devet razredov osnovne šole.

Keywords:planinstvo, športna vzgoja, osnovna šola, Mestna občina Ljubljana, športni pedagogi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131772 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:80238595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the implementation of the mountaineering program activities in the regular program of primary schools in the area of the Municipality of Ljubljana
The purpose of this master's thesis was to determine the state of implementation of the mountaineering program as part of the curriculum in primary schools in the area of the City Municipality of Ljubljana. We aimed to examine to which extent the chosen primary schools carry out practical and theoretical work related to the topic of mountaineering as it is laid out in the National Curriculum for the subject Physical Education. We obtained the data with the help of an online survey, which included a total of 38 sports pedagogues, each representing their respective school in the City Municipality of Ljubljana. This means that 74,5% of all schools in the above-mentioned area had a representative taking part in the survey. The results show that the vast majority of schools (89.47%) implement a mountaineering program. Most often, such activities are carried out during sports days and less frequently during residential trips. Mountaineering activities are mostly carried out during residential trips that focus on skiing, swimming and other subjects. Residential trips that focus on mountaineering content are only organised by two schools from the sample. Teams of sports teachers usually merge practical activities with theoretical content (65,52 %). Most schools in the City Municipality of Ljubljana plan such events without consulting mountaineering associations or mountain guides. In addition, teams of sports teachers mostly do not cooperate with primary education teachers at their schools when planning mountaineering activities. Contrary to the second and third three-year cycles, the activities that are carried out in the first three-year cycle of primary education do not enable pupils to meet the knowledge standards set by the National Curriculum. We see the solution for more consistency and quality implementation of mountaineering activities in more frequent cooperation with mountaineering associations. The basis of all mountaineering activities should be a mountaineering programme for all 9 grades of primary school.

Keywords:mountaineering, physical education, primary school, the Municipalty of Ljubljana, physical education teachers

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