
Primerjava znanja reševalcev iz vode in prvih posredovalcev o ukrepih prve pomoči pri akutnem koronarnem sindromu : diplomsko delo
ID Tomažič, Žiga (Author), ID Prestor, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hiti, Nina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Akutni koronarni sindrom je življenje ogrožajoče stanje in vodilni vzrok smrti v Sloveniji. Največkrat nastopi nepričakovano in v zunajbolnišničnem okolju. Stopnja preživetja bolnika je odvisna od nudenja hitre in ustrezne prve pomoči. Prvo pomoč na urejenih kopališčih nudijo reševalci iz vode, v ruralnih območjih pa prvi posredovalci. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti osnovne značilnosti akutnega koronarnega sindroma in ukrepe prve pomoči pri akutnem koronarnem sindromu in srčnem zastoju ter ugotoviti teoretično znanje reševalcev iz vode in prvih posredovalcev o ukrepih prve pomoči pri akutnem koronarnem sindromu in analizirati razlike med njimi. Cilj je tudi ugotoviti razlike v znanju med anketiranci glede na obdobje zadnjega opravljanja tečaja prve pomoči, mejnik je leto 2019. Metode dela: Zbiranje podatkov je potekalo z uporabo anketnega vprašalnika. Podatke smo analizirali s programsko opremo IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Verzija 20.0. Podatke smo podali v obliki tabel in stolpčnih grafikonov. Rezultati: V raziskavi so sodelovali 103 anketiranci, od tega 20 reševalcev iz vode in 83 prvih posredovalcev. V povprečju so vsi anketiranci anketni vprašalnik izpolnili s 64,2 % uspešnostjo; reševalci iz vode s 60,8 % uspešnostjo in prvi posredovalci s 65 % uspešnostjo. Med njimi ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik. Najbolje (> 90 % uspešnost) so odgovorili na vprašanja o možnosti srčnega zastoja pri akutnem koronarnem sindromu, o razmerjih stisov prsnega koša in vpihov pri odrasli osebi, o naravi bolečine pri bolnikih z akutnim koronarnim sindromom in o klicu nujne medicinske pomoči ob prepoznanih znakih akutnega koronarnega sindroma. Najslabše (24 % uspešnost) so se odrezali pri vprašanju o bolezenskih stanjih, ki jih vključuje akutni koronarni sindrom. Anketiranci, ki so tečaj prve pomoči nazadnje opravili v zadnjem letu (leto 2020 in začetek leta 2021), so v povprečju na vprašanja odgovorili s 64,9 % uspešnostjo. Tisti, ki so opravili tečaj leta 2019 ali prej, pa s 63,3 % uspešnostjo. Med njimi ni bilo statistično značilne razlike. Razprava in zaključek: V povprečju so anketiranci zadovoljivo rešili anketni vprašalnik in dosegli minimalne standarde znanja, med reševalci iz vode in prvimi posredovalci ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik. Prav tako ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik med anketiranci, ki so tečaj prve pomoči nazadnje opravili v zadnjem letu in tistimi, ki so ga opravili leta 2019 ali prej.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, akutni koronarni sindrom, reševaleci iz vode, prvi posredovalec, prva pomoč
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Tomažič]
Number of pages:36 str., [4] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131768 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:78899715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The comparison of the knowledge of lifeguards and first responders on first aid procedures in acute coronary syndrome : diploma work
Introduction: An acute coronary syndrome is a life-threatening condition and the leading cause of death in Slovenia. Most of the time, it occurs unexpectedly and, in an outpatient, setting. The survival rate of the patient depends on rapid and appropriate first aid. In areas of water first aid is provided by lifeguards and in rural areas by first responders. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present the basic characteristics of acute coronary syndrome and first aid procedures in acute coronary syndrome and cardiac arrest, to identify the theoretical knowledge of lifeguards and first responders about first aid procedures in acute coronary syndrome and analyses the differences between them. The aim is also to identify differences in knowledge between respondents according to the period of the last first aid course, the milestone is 2019. Methods: The data collection was carried out using a survey questionnaire. The data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 20.0. Data was provided in the form of tables and column charts. Results: 103 respondents took part in the research, of which 20 were lifeguards and 83 were first responders. On average, all respondents completed the survey questionnaire with a 64.2% success rate; lifeguards with 60.8% success and first responders with 65% success. There were no statistically significant differences between them. All respondents answered best (> 90% success rate) on questions about the occurrence of cardiac arrest in acute coronary syndrome, about the ratio of chest compressions and rescue breaths in an adult, about the nature of pain in patients with acute coronary syndrome, and about calling emergency medical services at identified signs of acute coronary syndrome. They performed the worst (24% success rate) on the theoretical question about the clinical conditions included in acute coronary syndrome. Respondents who last took the first aid course in the last year (2020 and the beginning of 2021) answered the questions with an average success rate of 64.9%. Those who last took the course in 2019 or earlier, however, with a 63.3% success rate. There was no statistically significant difference between them. Discussion and conclusion: On average, the respondents solved the questionnaire satisfactorily and achieved the minimum standards of knowledge, there were no statistically significant differences between lifeguards and first responders. There were also no statistically significant differences between respondents who last took the first aid course in the last year and those who took it in 2019 or earlier.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, acute coronary syndrome, lifeguards, first responder, first aid

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