
Motivi za udeležbo pri telesni aktivnosti starostnikov v Sloveniji in njihov odnos do vadbe preko spleta : magistrsko delo
ID Kepec, Janja (Author), ID Tušak, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Dolenc, Maja (Comentor)

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V družbi, kjer delež starejših narašča, je zagotavljanje kakovosti življenja velik izziv. Redna telesna dejavnost igra pomembno vlogo, saj vpliva na telesno in duševno zdravje ter ima velik vpliv na potek staranja. Starostniki pri vključitvi v vadbo naletijo na mnoge ovire, ki športnim trenerjem in kineziologom predstavljajo izziv pri izbiri primernega pristopa. Pomembno je poznavanje motivov, ki bodo starostnikom pomagali vztrajati v vadbi. Glavni namen te magistrske naloge je bil raziskati motive za udeležbo pri telesni dejavnosti starejših občanov po Sloveniji in raziskati njihov odnos do vadbe preko spleta. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 199 članov društva Šola zdravja, od tega 188 žensk in 11 moških. Vsi vprašani se udeležujejo vadbe »1000« gibov, ki poteka v 88 občinah po Sloveniji. Člani društva so prek spleta izpolnili vprašalnik Lestvico motivov za ukvarjanje s telesno dejavnostjo (PMQ – Gill, priredba LM: Tušak 1997) ter nestandardiziran del vprašalnika, ki je bil namenjen tistim, ki so se udeležili tudi vadbe prek spleta v času epidemije nove virusne bolezni COVID-19. S pomočjo faktorske razčlenitve smo dobili 7 faktorjev, kjer je bil najbolj izražen faktor »položaj uspešnosti«, ki pojasnjuje 33,1 % variance. Ostali faktorji predstavljajo »doživljanje razburljivosti in izzivov«, »prijateljstvo in skupinsko vzdušje«, »sprostitev energije in osvajanje novih spretnosti«, »storilnost in zabava«, »želja po napredku ob ustreznem vodenju« in »zdravje in razvedrilo«. S pomočjo primerjave motivov za udeležbo pri telesni dejavnosti smo ugotovili, da se ne razlikujejo glede na spol in stopnjo izobrazbe vprašanih, delno pa se razlikujejo glede na kohezijski območji Slovenije in starost. Na drugi del vprašalnika je odgovorilo 119 vprašanih. Najvišjo stopnjo strinjanja so izrazili pri trditvah »za vadbo sem motiviran, ker se zavedam pozitivnih učinkov telesne dejavnosti« (M = 4,42) in trditev »vadba je čas samo zame« (M = 4,37). Odnos do vadbe preko spleta pri članih društva kaže v pozitivno smer, vendar je samo 16,4 % tistih, ki se strinjajo s trditvijo »vadba preko spleta mi je bolj všeč kot vadba na prostem«. Motivacija je pomemben dejavnik, ki ga je pomembno upoštevati pri načrtovanju vadbe tako v domačem okolju kot v skupinah. Več raziskav je še potrebnih na področju odnosu do vadbe prek spleta pri starejših. Vzpodbudno družbeno okolje, lahka dostopnost, zdravstvene koristi in užitek so merila, ki jih izpolnjuje vadba »1000 gibov« ter njihovih 4891 članov, ki vsako jutro to dokazujejo z redno udeležbo pri telovadbi.

Keywords:starostniki, telesna dejavnost, motivacija, motivi, vadba preko spleta
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131751 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:82440195 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Motives for participation in physical activities of the elderly in Slovenia and their attitude to exercise using online tools
In a society where the proportion of older people is growing, ensuring the quality of life brings many challenges. Regular physical activity plays an important role as it affects physical and mental health and has a major impact on the course of aging. Elderly people encounter many obstacles in their involvement in the training process, which poses a great challenge to sports coaches and kinesiologists in choosing the appropriate approach. Knowing the motives that will help seniors persevere in the exercise process is key. The main purpose of this master's thesis was to investigate the motives for participation in physical activity of senior citizens in Slovenia and to investigate their attitude towards exercise using online tools. The study included 199 members of the društvo Šola zdravja, of which 188 were women and 11 were men. All respondents participate in the exercise of "1000 gibov”, which takes place in 88 municipalities across Slovenia. The members of the association filled in the online questionnaire Scale of motives for physical activity (PMQ - Gill, adaptation LM: Tušak 1997) and a non-standardized part of the questionnaire, which was intended for those who also participated in online exercise during the epidemic of a new viral disease COVID-19. With the help of factor analysis, we obtained 7 factors, where the most pronounced factor was "performance status", which explains 33.1% of the variance. Other factors include “experiencing excitement and challenges”, “friendship and group atmosphere”, “releasing energy and gaining new skills”, “productivity and fun”, “desire to progress with proper leadership” and “health and recreation”. By comparing the motives for participation in physical activity, we found that they do not differ according to the gender and level of education of the respondents, but partly differ according to the cohesion region of Slovenia and age. The second part of the questionnaire was answered by 119 respondents. The highest level of agreement was expressed in the statements "I am motivated to exercise because I am aware of the positive effects of physical activity" (M = 4.42) and the statement "exercise is time only for me" (M = 4.37). The attitude towards online exercise among the members points in a positive direction, but only 16.4% agree with the statement "I like exercising online more than exercising outdoors". Motivation is an important factor that needs to be considered when planning an exercise both in the home environment and in groups. More research is still needed in the field of attitudes towards online exercise across the elderly population. A stimulating social environment, easy accessibility, health benefits and enjoyment are the criteria met by the exercise of "1000 gibov" and their 4891 members, who do something for themselves and society every morning.

Keywords:elderly, physical activity, motivation, motives, online exercise

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