
Genske bolezni pasme ameriški quarter konj
ID Kraševec, Nika (Author), ID Potočnik, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj diplomskega dela je bil raziskati in čimbolj jasno in razumljivo predstaviti lastnosti 6 najpogostejših genskih bolezni prisotnih pri pasmi ameriški quarter konj. V diplomskem delu predstavljamo načine dedovanja, klinične znake, značilnosti, dejavnike za povzročitev bolezni, posledice bolezni, možnosti za zdravljenje in vzdrževanje obolelih konj, ter pogostost posameznih bolezni znotraj celotne populacije. Osredotočili smo se predvsem na obrazložitev genskih bolezni, in kako le te vplivajo na izrazitev kliničnih znakov. Nato smo pri vsaki preiskovani bolezni dodali obrazložitev rezultatov, katere dobimo ob opravljenem genskem testu, z namenom lažjega razumevanja podanih znakov. Ugotovili smo, da so nekatere genske bolezni bolj pogoste pri določenih linijah konj, ter posledično tudi pri disciplinah v katerih tekmujejo, zato smo raziskali pogostost znotraj 7 bolj znanih disciplin, ki so značilne za to pasmo konj. Ob pregledu članka objavljenega na uradni strani AQHA, smo ugotovili, katera sta 2 trenutno najbolj znana vzroka, ki povzročata višanje števila primerov z genskimi boleznimi obolelih konj. Na kratko smo opisali postopke, na katere naletimo ob naročanju genskih testov, ter navedli dejavnike, ki lahko povzročijo razne zamude pri prejemanju rezultatov. Ker je za veliko večino rejcev pomembno tudi, da naročijo genske teste po najbolj ugodni ceni in hkrati dobijo kar se da zanesljive rezultate, smo raziskali javno objavljene cene posameznih testov, ki jih ponujajo priznane ustanove in njihovi laboratoriji.

Keywords:konji, pasme, ameriški quarter konj, genske bolezni
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131750 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79189507 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2021
KRAŠEVEC, Nika, 2021, Genske bolezni pasme ameriški quarter konj [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Genetic diseases of the American Quarter Horse breed
The aim of B. Sc. thesis was to present as clearly and understandably as possible the characteristics of the 6 most common genetic diseases present in the American quarter horse breed. We studied in detail the methods of inheritance, clinical signs, characteristics, factors that cause these diseases, consequences of these diseases, possibilities for treatment and maintenence of affected horses, and the frequency of individual diseases within the entire population. We focused mainly on the explanation of genetic diseases, and how they affect the expression of clinical signs of them. For each investigated disease, we then added an explanation of results obtained when the genetic test was performed, in order to facilitate understanding of the signs given in those results. We discovered that some genetic diseases appear more frequently in certain horse lines, and consequently also within disciplines in which this breed competes, therefore we investigated the frequency within the 7 popular disciplines of this horse breed. After reviewing an article published on an official AQHA page, we discovered the 2 best known causes for the increase in number of cases of affected horses. We briefly described the procedures of ordering genetic tests, and listed the factors that can cause various delays in receiving results. Since it is also important for the vast majority of breeders to order genetic tests at the best price possible and at the same time get the most reliable results, we researched the publicly listed prices of individual tests offered by accredited laboratories.

Keywords:horses, breeds, American Qarter Horse, genetic diseases

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