
Fiziološke lastnosti in biološke posebnosti osla v primerjavi s konjem: ali je osel res mali konj?
ID Kraševec, Lara (Author), ID Čebulj Kadunc, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti fiziološke in biološke posebnosti osla v primerjavi s konjem. Osli spadajo med lihoprste kopitarje, rod Equus, kamor spadata tudi konj in zebra. Čeprav so si med seboj sorodni, je med njimi razlika. Pravilno prehranjevanje vpliva na zdravstveno stanje osla oziroma lahko povzroča številne bolezni, zato je pomembno kakšna je krma. Vsako živo bitje se prilagaja okolju, v katerem živi, tako so se pri oslih na primer prilagodila kopita. Podoben, a vseeno različen kot pri konjih, je oslov prebavni trakt. Potrošniki vedno bolj sprašujejo po osličjem mleku zaradi sestave mleka. Nekatere kmetije, tudi v sosednjih državah, ga že prodajajo. Osli se od konj razlikujejo tudi po nekaterih drugih fizioloških parametrih kot so telesna temperatura ali frekvenca dihanja.

Keywords:konji, osli, fiziologija živali, biološke značilnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131703 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:78768899 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Physiological characteristics and biological specifics of a donkey compared to a horse: is donkey really a small horse?
The aim of this B. Sc. Thesis is to present the physiological and biological features of the donkey compared to the horse. Donkeys belong to the odd-toed ungulates, genus Equus, which also includes the horse and zebra. Although they are related, there are many differences between them. Proper nutrition affects the health of the donkey or can cause many diseases, so nutrition is important. Every living thing adapts to its environment, for example the hooves of donkeys. The digestive tract of donkeys is similar to, but different from, that of horses. The demand for donkey milk is increasing because of its composition. Some farms, including some in neighbouring countries, are already selling it. Donkeys also differ from horses in some other physiological parameters, such as body temperature and respiratory rate.

Keywords:horses, donkeys, animal physiology, biological characteristics

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