
Pravna ureditev izkoriščanja mineralnih surovin v Republiki Sloveniji
ID Mošnik, Eva (Author), ID Pličanič, Senko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Rudarstvo pogojuje gospodarski in civilizacijski napredek družb in držav, saj se mineralne surovine uporabljajo za zadovoljevanje naših najrazličnejših potreb, na primer kot energetski vir, v gradbeništvu, avtomobilski industriji in elektroindustriji. Pandemija COVID-19 je pokazala našo ranljivost v globaliziranem svetu, v katerem smo odvisni od zunanje oskrbe s pomembnimi mineralnimi surovinami. Slovenska pravna ureditev na področju rudarstva mora biti ne samo ekonomsko učinkovita, temveč mora zasledovati tudi cilj varstva okolja. Avtorica v magistrskem diplomskem delu predstavi pomanjkljivosti slovenske rudarske ureditve v zvezi s podaljševanjem koncesijskih pogodb, pravno naravo Državne rudarske strategije, denacionalizacijskimi postopki, stečajnimi postopki, nezakonitimi rudarskimi deli in hidravličnim lomljenjem. Avtorica predstavi tudi možne rešitve, pri čemer primerja slovensko ureditev z avstrijsko in hrvaško ureditvijo.

Keywords:mineralne surovine, rudarstvo, Zakon o rudarstvu, rudarska pravica, izkoriščanje mineralnih surovin, varstvo okolja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131693 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:78770691 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2021
MOŠNIK, Eva, 2021, Pravna ureditev izkoriščanja mineralnih surovin v Republiki Sloveniji [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Mining regulation in the Republic of Slovenia
The mining of mineral resources is the prerequisite to economic growth and to the progression of societies and countries. We use mineral resources to satisfy many of our needs. For example, mineral resources are being used as an energy source, they are also used in construction, the automobile industry, and the electric industry. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed our vulnerability being dependent on the external supply of important mineral resources in this globalized world. The Slovenian legislation should be not only economically effective but should also pursue the goal of protecting the environment. In this thesis, the author outlines the shortcomings of the Slovenian legislation in relation to the extension of concession contracts, the legal nature of the National Mining Strategy, the bankruptcy processes, illegal mining operations, and hydraulic fracturing. The author also outlines possible solutions to these problems, comparing the Slovenian legislation with the Austrian and the Croatian legislation.

Keywords:mineral resources, mining, mining rights, exploitation of mineral resources, environmental protection

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