
Vpliv podlage na rast in rodnost ter kakovost grozdja in vina klonov sorte 'Rebula' (Vitis vinifera L.) v Vipavski dolini
ID Ferjančič, Domen (Author), ID Rusjan, Denis (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Leta 2019 smo v bližini vasi Planina, v Vipavski dolini preučevali rast in rodnost, ter kakovost grozdja in vina štirih različnih kombinacij podlage in klona sorte 'Rebula'. V poskus smo vključili klona SI-32 in SI-34 sorte 'Rebula' ter podlagi SO4 in 420A. Pri vrednotenju rasti smo pri obravnavanju SI-32 SO4 v povprečju prešteli najmanj jalovih (1,3) in največ rodnih (10,8) mladik na trto. Prav tako smo pri tej kombinaciji stehtali največjo maso porezanega lesa pri zimski rezi (0,50 kg/trto) in jo tako spoznali kot najbolj bujno. Povprečno največjo maso posameznega grozda (165 g) smo stehtali pri obravnavanju SI-34 420A, medtem ko smo največji pridelek (3,03 kg) na trto stehtali pri obravnavanju SI-32 SO4. Pri slednji kombinaciji smo izmerili tudi največjo vsebnost sladkorja v grozdju (86 °Oe), medtem ko smo najmanjšo (81 °Oe) izmerili pri SI-34 SO4. Največjo vsebnost skupnih kislin v grozdju (6,0 g/l) smo izmerili pri obravnavanju SI-34 420A, medtem ko najmanjšo (5,3 g/l) pri SI-32 SO4. Največjo vsebnost alkohola (11,8 vol. %) smo izmerili pri vinu obravnavanja SI-32 SO4, najmanjšo (11,0 vol. %) pa pri obravnavanju SI-34 SO4. Največjo vsebnost skupnih kislin smo izmerili v vinu obravnavanja SI-32 420A, medtem ko najmanjšo pri obravnavanju SI-34 420A. Pri rezultatu meritev ekstrakta brez sladkorja izstopa največja vsebnost (16,6 g/L) pri obravnavanju SI-32 SO4. Opomniti velja, da so predstavljeni podatki pridobljeni z enoletnim poskusom in, da bi za natančnejše rezultate bilo potrebno isti poskus izpeljati vsaj še eno leto.

Keywords:vinska trta, podlaga, rast, rodnost, grozdje, vino, kakovost, sorta, klon, 'Rebula'
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Ferjančič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131673 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:78865667 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of rootstock on growth,yield and quality of grape and wine of 'Rebula' (Vitis vinifera L.) clones in the Vipavska dolina winegrowing district
In 2019, nearby village Planina in Vipava valley, we studied the growth, yield and the quality of the grapes and wines of four different combinations of rootstocks and clones of the 'Rebula' variety. In the experiment clones SI-32 and SI-34 of 'Rebula' variety and rootstocks SO4 and 420A were studied. At growth evaluation, we counted at combination SI-32 SO4 the lowest number (1,3) of unfertile and the greatest number of fertile (10,8) shoots per vine. At this combination we also measured the highest weight of cut wood (0,50 kg/vine) at winter pruning, therefore was defined as the most vigorous. The highest weight (165 g) of individual bunch was measured at combination SI-34 420 A, while the highest yield per vine (3,03 kg) at SI-32 SO4. At the SI-32 SO4 combination we also measured the highest sugars content (86 °Oe) in the grapes, while the lowest (81 °Oe) at SI-34 SO4. The highest total acidity in grapes (6,0 g/l) was measured at SI-34 420A, while the lowest (5,3 g/l) at SI-32 SO4. The highest content of the alcohol (11,8 vol%) was measured in the wine of SI-32 SO4, while the lowest (11,0 vol.%) at SI-34 SO4. The highest content of total acidity (5,7 g/l) was measured in the SI-32 42A, while the lowest (4,3 g/l) at SI-34 420A. The results of mesurements of the sugar-free extract stand out with the highest content (16,6 g/l) at the combination SI-32 SO4. We should remind that these results are just for one year and for the exact results the same experiment should be done at least one more time.

Keywords:vine, rootstocks, growth, yield, grapes, wine, quality, variety, clone, 'Rebula'

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