
Razlika med kulturno in socialno levico: podobnosti in razhajanja
ID Resnik, Nina (Author), ID Repe, Božo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hribar Sorčan, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga s filozofskega in zgodovinskega vidika obravnava področje delovanja kulturne in socialne levice. V prvem delu levico umešča v sodobno in aktualno dogajanje, ki je zaznamovano s časom visokega neomajnega kapitalizma, s časom zaznamovanim s premočjo diktature kapitala. V drugem pa levico umešča v čas prejšnjega stoletja, v čas, ki je bil zaznamovan s premočjo diktature ideologije. Naloga ponudi temeljiti razmislek o načelih našega evropskega humanizma in prav ta humanizem je pri nas dejaven na idejnem, socialnem in še posebej na kulturnem področju. Naloga v prvem delu predvsem osvetljuje značilnosti kulturne levice danes, ki je izgubila tisto najpomembnejše: solidarnost, upanje, utopijo in uporništvo. Umanjka ji prav upanjsko-utopični ideal v boljšo prihodnost, tisto prvo, ki je temelj samega humanizma. Naloga natančno prisluhne izbranim mislecem (Rorty, Kocbek, Bloch, Adorno…), v drugem delu pa naloga osvetljuje levico na njeni poti razvoja v socialističnem jugoslovanskem prostoru in tako obravnava izbrane skupine (Kocbek in delavska skupina, oblast in kulturniki po drugi svetovni vojni ter kulturna levica v osemdesetih).

Keywords:Kulturna levica, socialna levica, solidarnost, upanje, utopija, socializem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131672 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2021
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Title:The difference between the cultural and the social left: similarities and divergences
The master's thesis discusses the field of activity of the cultural and social left from a philosophical and historical perspective. In the first part the left is placed in contemporary and relevant events that are marked by a time of high unwavering capitalism and by a time marked by the supremacy of the dictatorship of capital. In the second part the left is placed in the time of the previous century, a time marked by the supremacy of the dictatorship of ideology. The thesis offers a thorough reflection on the principles of our European humanism, and it is this humanism that is active in our area in the ideal, social, and especially in the cultural field. In the first part the thesis mainly sheds light on the characteristics of the cultural left today, which has lost that which is most important: solidarity, hope, utopia and rebelliousness. It lacks the hopeful utopian ideal of a better future, that which is primary and the foundation of humanism itself. The thesis listens carefully to the selected thinkers (Rorty, Kocbek, Bloch, Adorno …) and in the second part the thesis sheds light on the left and its path of development in the socialist Yugoslavian space and thus discusses the selected groups (Kocbek and the workers group, regime and cultural workers after World War II and the cultural left in the 1980s).

Keywords:Cultural left, social left, solidarity, hope, utopia, socialism

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