
Samopodobni fotonski kristali
ID Ropač, Peter (Author), ID Ravnik, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Samopodobni fotonski kristali so fotonski kristali, katerih deli osnovne celice so podobni celotni osnovni celici. Fotonski kristali so materiali, ki imajo periodični lomni količnik in posledično imajo v pasovni strukturi energijske reže, pri čemer je širina in lega rež odvisna od mikroskopske strukture fotonskega kristala. V tem magistrskem delu predstavimo pet različnih tipov samopodobnih fotonskih kristalov. Začnemo z enodimenzionalnimi fotonskimi kristali z dvema strukturnima parametroma, za katere pokažemo, da imajo v pasovni strukturi zgoščine energijskih rež, katerih lega je linearno odvisna od enega strukturnega parametra. Z drugim strukturnim parametrom kontroliramo širino energijskih rež in zgoščin. Nadaljujemo z dvodimenzionalnimi samopodobnimi fotonskimi kristali, za katere ugotovimo, da lahko z obema strukturnima parametroma fino spreminjamo lego in širino specifične energijske reže. Zaključimo s strukturami koncentričnih obročev, kvadratnih stolpcev in trikotnih stolpcev, kjer pokažemo, da z enim strukturnim parametrom lahko močno vplivamo na pozicije energijskih rež. Splošneje je delo prispevek k razvoju mehke fotonike in prilagodljivih fotonskih kristalov.

Keywords:fotonski kristali, samopodobnost, fotonika, tekoči kristali, svetloba, optični materiali
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131671 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:75964419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Self-similar Photonic Crystals
Self-similar photonic crystals are photnic crystals, for which smaller regions of their unit cells are partially or fully similar to the unit cell itself. Photonic crystals are materials, which have a periodic refractive index, and as a consequence their band structure exhibits photonic bandgaps. In this master's thesis we present five families of self-similar photonic crystals. First we examine a family of one-dimensional self-similar photonic crystals, with two structural parameters. In the band structure of this photonic crystals there are groups of bandgaps, position of which changes linearly with the value of one structural parameter, whereas the other structural parameter has a direct effect on their width. We continue with a two-dimensional family of self-similar photonic crystals, where we are able to fine tune the width and the postion of a specific band gap with both structural parameters. We conclude with the results on three self-similar two-dimenisonal photonic crystal families, which are composed of concetric rings, and square and triangular coloumns. For all three families we show that the postions of the bandgaps can be stongly changed via a single structural parameter. This master's thesis is a contribution to the research of soft photonics and tuneable photonic crystals.

Keywords:photonic crystals, self-similarity, photonics, liquid crystals, light, optical materials

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