
Using Augmented reality in different BIM workflows : master thesis
ID de Hugo Silva, Angela Cristina (Author), ID Dolenc, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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As all phases of the project are incorporated into the Building Information Modeling platform (BIM), which provides a model containing all the data and information that occur during the life cycle of a structure: from the design and planning phase, through the construction phase, to the operation and maintenance phase. As the tools used on this platform advance technologically, the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry is increasingly seeking the cost-effective benefits of investing in technology. By providing the user with an immersive view of the environment and enabling integration between the virtual and natural environments, augmented reality (AR) is becoming an indispensable technology in design and data modeling workflows. In this context, the research aims to report and evaluate the potential and challenges of using augmented reality in a broad approach within the life cycle of a project in BIM and through three case studies in different construction scenarios. Two case studies are an infrastructure projects with uneven depth in data and information modeling provided by three-dimensional models in BIM. The last case study is a office building fully executed in 3D model BIM. The master thesis provides a review the contexts of each case study projects, reporting on the benefits and challenges of the applicability of the software with appropriate tools for real time interaction between AR and BIM through a mobile device, and analyzing the results obtained.

Keywords:AEC, razširjena resničnost, modeliranje gradbenih informacij, BIM, gradbena industrija, delotoki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131607 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2021
DE HUGO SILVA, Angela Cristina, 2021, Using Augmented reality in different BIM workflows : master thesis [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Uporaba razširjene resničnosti v različnih delotokih BIM projektiranja : magistrsko delo
Digitalna platforma za modeliranje gradbenih informacij (BIM) podpira integracijo vseh faz gradbenega projekta. Model BIM tako lahko vključuje vse podatke in informacije, ki se pojavijo v življenjskem ciklu gradbenega projekta: od faze načrtovanja in gradnje, do faze obratovanja in vzdrževanja. Z zagotavljanjem uporabniku poglobljenega pogleda na okolje in omogočanjem integracije med navideznim in naravnim okoljem postaja razširjena resničnost nepogrešljiva tehnologija pri načrtovanju delovnih tokov in modeliranju podatkov v vseh fazah gradbenih projektov. V okviru magisterskega dela smo raziskali in ovrednotiti potencial in izzive uporabe razširjene resničnosti v kontekstu celotnega življenjskem cikla projekta BIM. V ta namen smo analizirali tri različne primere uporabniških scenarijev. Prva dva primera uporabniška scenarija se nanašata na infrastrukturna projekta z neenakomerno natančnostjo podatkovnega in informacijskega modeliranja, ki ga zagotavljajo tridimenzionalni modeli v BIM. Zadnji uporabniški scenarij pa se nanaša na poslovno stavba, ki je v celoti izvedena v 3D modelu BIM. Magistrsko delo ponuja pregled okvirov izbranih uporabniških scenarijev, poroča o koristih in izzivih uporabnosti programske opreme z ustreznimi orodji za interakcijo v realnem času med AR in BIM prek mobilne naprave ter analizo dobljenih rezultatov.

Keywords:AEC, augmented reality, Building information modeling, BIM, construction industry, workflows

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