
Implementing building performance modelling through BIM methodology and its implication on building design process : master thesis
ID Moskvina, Ekaterina (Author), ID Košir, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Construction 4.0 requires new approaches and methods to achieve primary goalsset for the industry, such as sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate actions, innovations. Although the performance-based design (PBD) approach is not new, it is innovative in how it faces these goals compared to the traditional approach. The study discusses the concept of performance-based design in general. It reviews the methods and tools that can support the PBD application in the early design stage, such as Integrated Design Process, Building Information Modelling and others. This master thesis aims to clarify major differences between the conventional and the PBD approach when applied in the initial design stage. It identifies the benefits of the new approach and the limitations and difficulties when applied in practice. It identified issues of using PBD in practice throughout a survey of 43 respondents from 21 countries. Finally, it examines the ability and readiness of the PBD method to substitute the traditional design approach. It compares the two approaches with a practical hypothetical project of an office building in Mengeš, Slovenia. The case study results are the workflow and a strategy proposed to apply the PBD approach in the early design stage. The strategy can be used regardless of the modelling and analysis tools and for the residential, commercial and public projects. It helps to explore vast design space relatively quickly to understand design trends and options with the greatest impact on future building performance.

Keywords:BIM, Performance-based design, Early design stage, Design process
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131605 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:81316099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2021
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Title:Vpliv uporabe zmogljivostnega načrtovanja v povezavi z BIM metodologijo na postopek načrtovanja stavb : magistrsko delo
Gradbeništvo 4.0 zahteva nove pristope in metode za dosego primarnih ciljev industrije, kot so trajnostna mesta in skupnosti, odgovorna potrošnja in proizvodnja, podnebni ukrepi ter inovacije. Čeprav zmogljivostno načrtovanje (PBD) ni nov pristop, je v primerjavi s tradicionalnim načinom načrtovanja stavb inovativen pri soočanju s temi cilji. Študija obravnava koncept oblikovanja, ki temelji na zmogljivostnem načrtovanju. Pregleduje metode in orodja, ki podpirajo uporabo PBD v zgodnji fazi načrtovanja. Namen tega magistrskega dela je osvetliti glavne razlike med konvencionalnim in PBD pristopom, v začetni fazi načrtovanja stavb. Opredeljuje prednosti, omejitve in težave zmogljivostnega načrtovanja, v praksi. Na podlagi ankete pri kateri je sodelovalo 43 anketirancev iz 21 držav so bila opredeljene ključne težave in prednosti uporabe PBD v praksi. Na hipotetičnem primeru poslovne stavbe v Mengšu je bila preučena tudi možnost in primernost PBD pristopa, kot nadomestilo za klasično načrtovanje. Rezultat študije primerov je strategija in predlog delotoka za uporabo pristopa PBD v zgodnji fazi načrtovanja stavb. Strategijo je mogoče uporabiti neodvisno od orodja za modeliranje in analizo ter za stanovanjske, poslovne in javne stavbe. PBD pristop omogoča razmeroma hitro raziskovanje ogromnega oblikovalskega prostora, ter olajša identifikacijo ukrepov z največjim vplivom na zmogljivost stavbe.

Keywords:BIM, zmogljivostno načrtovanje, zgodnja faza načrtovanja stavb, načrtovalski proces

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