
Ugotavljanje fizične dostopnosti muzejev in gledališč osebam na invalidskem vozičku
ID Cifer, Ines (Author), ID Filipčič, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6945/ This link opens in a new window

Ustrezne prilagoditve, ki omogočajo dostop do kulturnih ustanov, so opredeljene v zakonodaji. Koristi dostopnosti dokazujejo psihološke raziskave, ki kažejo na pozitiven vpliv na človekov osebnostni razvoj, navsezadnje pa je polna vključitev v družbo z obiskovanjem kulturnih ustanov tudi človekova pravica. Zaradi različnih vzrokov so prilagoditve grajenega okolja marsikje okrnjene. V magistrskem delu sem zato želela raziskati, v kolikšni meri so muzeji in gledališča v praksi dostopni uporabnikom vozičkov. Z dvema spremljevalkama na električnem invalidskem vozičku sem preverila dostopnost petnajstih ustanov, od tega devetih muzejev in šestih gledališč, na območju prve cone Ljubljanskega potniškega prometa. Uporabila sem metodo sistematičnega opazovanja in pogovora z zaposlenimi na podlagi desetih raziskovalnih vprašanj, ki sem jih za potrebe raziskave prilagodila po Smernicah za dobro prakso. Na podlagi vprašalnika sem nato oblikovala lestvico ocen dostopnosti, ki se nanaša na stopnjo samostojnosti ob obisku, in analizo zaključila z uvrstitvijo vsake ustanove v eno izmed štirih kategorij s priporočili in komentarji spremljevalk. Glede na lestvico sem ugotovila, da so trije muzeji popolnoma dostopni, dva skoraj popolnoma dostopna in trije deloma dostopni, v dveh je priporočljivo tudi vodenje po razstavi, en muzej pa je zaradi arhitekturnih značilnosti poslopja nedostopen uporabnikom vozičkov. Eno gledališče je popolnoma dostopno, štiri skoraj popolnoma dostopna in eno delno dostopno, pri čemer obisk predstav ni otežen v nobenem izmed njih. V splošnem uporabniki vozičkov pri obisku kulturnih ustanov ne bodo naleteli na nepremostljive ovire, omogočena samostojnost obiska pa se od ustanove do ustanove razlikuje.

Keywords:dostopnost javnih zgradb
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131589 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:78340355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Identification of personal accesibility of museums and theaters for mobility impaired people
Appropriate adjustments that allow access to cultural institutions are defined in legislation, the benefits of accessibility are proven by psychological research that shows a positive impact on human personality development, and finally, full integration into society through visiting cultural institutions is also a human right. Due to various reasons, the adaptations of the built environment are reduced in many places. In my master's thesis, I therefore wanted to explore the extent to which museums and theaters are accessible to wheelchair users in practice. With two companions in an electric wheelchair, we checked the accessibility of fifteen institutions, of which nine museums and six theaters in the area of the first zone of Ljubljana's passenger traffic. I used the method of systematic observation and conversation with employees based on ten research questions, which I adjusted for the needs of the research based on the Guidelines for Good Practice. With the use of the questionnaire, I then formed a scale of accessibility assessments, which refers to the level of independence at the time of the visit, and concluded the analysis by placing the institution in one of four categories with recommendations and comments from companions. According to the scale, I found that three museums are fully accessible, two almost fully accessible and three partially accessible, in two it is also recommended to guide the exhibition, and one museum is inaccessible to wheelchair users due to the architectural features of the building. Three theaters are fully accessible, two almost fully accessible and one partially accessible, with attendance at performances alone being not difficult in any of them. In general, wheelchair users will not encounter insurmountable obstacles when visiting cultural institutions, and the enabled independence of the visit varies from institution to institution.

Keywords:accessibility of public buildings

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