
Razvoj tečaja microMOOC o vrstniškem ocenjevanju za pedagoško izobraževanje učiteljev kemije na visokošolski stopnji izobraževanja
ID Titovšek, David (Author), ID Kranjc, Krištof (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Danes na področju visokošolskega izobraževanja naravoslovno-tehniško-inženirsko-matematičnih smeri (smeri STEM) še vedno velja prepričanje, da učitelji pedagoške kompetence že imajo ob začetku dela ali pa jih bodo prejeli tekom poučevanja, če bo potrebno. Raziskave pa kažejo, da večina učiteljev uči na enak način kot so bili poučevani sami, kar le redko privede do izboljšav pedagoškega procesa. Da bi zagotovili nenehno izboljševanje učnega procesa, je zato potrebno tudi na visokošolski ravni poskrbeti za nenehen profesionalni razvoj učiteljev (CPD – continous professional development) o novih pedagoških praksah. Obenem morajo biti načini izobraževanja prilagojeni visokošolskim učiteljem, ki so časovno običajno zelo obremenjeni. Eno izmed primernih orodij za pedagoško izobraževanje predstavljajo spletni tečaji MOOC (ang. Massive Open Online Course), ki omogočajo asinhrono učenje in s tem samostojno razporejanje časa izobraževanja. Učitelji se v svoji praksi tradicionalnega načina poučevanja še posebej držijo pri ocenjevanju. Učitelji se po eni strani srečujejo s težavami, kako objektivno oceniti delo (velikega števila) študentov, še posebej pri kompleksnih nalogah in kako podati kvalitetne povratne informacije vsakemu posamezniku v skupini, hkrati pa se izogibajo vključevanju študentov v proces ocenjevanja, saj ne zaupajo v njihovo pravičnost in sposobnost ocenjevanja. Številne raziskave tovrstne predsodke uspešno zavračajo, zato smo vrstniško ocenjevanje predstavili kot možen dodatek ali nadomestek učiteljevega ocenjevanja. Da bi učiteljem pomagali pri pravilni vpeljavi vrstniškega ocenjevanja v učni proces, smo pripravili microMOOC (kratko obliko MOOC) z naslovom »Better evaluation with student's peer assessment«. V njem smo predstavili različne prednosti vrstniškega ocenjevanja na učenje in napredek študentov, dobre prakse vpeljave vrstniškega ocenjevanja in ocenjevalne pripomočke, ki pomagajo študentom, da vrstnike pravilno ocenijo. μMOOC smo pripravili v obliki spletne učilnice na platformi Moodle, pripravljeni tečaj pa obsega raznolike vsebine kot so videoposnetki, predstavitve, kvizi, vprašalniki in forumi.

Keywords:MOOC, CPD, vrstniško ocenjevanje, μMOOC, Moodle
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131562 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:86656771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Development of microMOOC about peer assessment for pedagogical development of higher education chemistry teachers
In higher education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines (STEM disciplines), there is still a prevailing belief that teachers have pedagogical competencies at the beginning of their careers or will acquire them in the course of their teaching careers, if necessary. However, research shows that most teachers teach in the same way as they were taught, which rarely leads to improvements in the pedagogical process. Therefore, to ensure continuous improvement of the learning process, it is necessary to ensure continuous professional development of teachers (CPD) in higher education about new pedagogical practices. At the same time, educational methods must be adapted to higher education teachers, who usually work under high time pressure. One of the appropriate tools for pedagogical training of teachers are online courses MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), which allow asynchronous learning and thus independent time allocation for learning. In their teaching practice, teachers hold on to the traditional way of teaching especially when it comes to assessment. On the one hand, teachers find it difficult to objectively assess the work of (many) students, especially when assessing complex tasks, and to provide quality feedback to each individual in the group; but on the other hand, they avoid involving students in the assessment process because they do not trust them to be fair and able to correctly assess their peers. Numerous studies have successfully refuted this type of prejudice. We therefore presented peer assessment as a possible supplement or substitute for teacher assessment. To help teachers correctly implement peer assessment in the learning process, we created a microMOOC (short form of a MOOC) titled "Better evaluation with student's peer assessment". In it, we presented various benefits of peer assessment for student learning and progress, best practices for implementing peer assessment, and tools to help students properly assess their peers. We prepared the μMOOC in the form of an online classroom on the Moodle platform. The course includes a variety of different content types such as videos, presentations, quizzes, questionnaires and forums.

Keywords:MOOC, CPD, peer assessment, μMOOC, Moodle

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