
Omejitev avtonomije volje v dednem pravu
ID Stare, Tjaša (Author), ID Žnidaršič Skubic, Viktorija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem diplomskem delu so predstavljene omejitve zapustnikove volje pri razpolaganju s svojim premoženjem inter vivos in mortis causa. Dedno pravo je ena izmed disciplin civilnega prava, kjer subjekti delujejo v okviru svoje lastne avtonomije volje. In čeprav je pravica do dedovanja zagotovljena z Ustavo RS poleg pravice do zasebne lastnine, pa zapustnikova avtonomija volje pri razpolaganju s svojim premoženjem ni neomejena. Eden izmed razlogov za takšno ureditev je načelo dedovanja v družini, katerega namena sta ohranitev premoženja v rodbini in preprečevanje eksistencialne stiske družine ob zapustnikovi smrti. Slovenski pravni red pozna vrsto omejitev avtonomije zapustnikove volje pri razpolaganju s svojim premoženjem. Najmočnejša vsebinska omejitev svobode testiranja je nujni delež. Zapustnikovo avtonomijo volje pa med drugim omejujejo tudi neveljavnost večine dednopravnih pogodb, prepoved fidejkomisarične substitucije in neveljavnost skupne oporoke. Trenutno veljavna ureditev dedovanja je bila sprejeta leta 1976 z Zakonom o dedovanju in je bila od takrat dalje le minimalno novelirana, zato je v določenih podrobnostih še vedno moč zaznati prvine socialističnega pravnega reda. Ker se pravo spreminja in prilagaja novim razmeram družbe, se v teoriji in praksi že dlje časa pojavlja stališče, da bi bile na področju dedovanja potrebne določene reforme. Načelno velja stališče, da je posameznikova avtonomija volje premočno omejena. Primerjalnopravna analiza je pokazala, da je v slovenski pravni ureditvi avtonomija volje zapustnika bistveno bolj omejena ter da se v tujini že kaže težnja po spremembah v smeri zmanjševanja omejitev zapustnikove volje, kar bi veljalo urediti tudi pri nas.

Keywords:dedovanje, avtonomija volje zapustnika, načelo dedovanja v družini, svoboda oporočnega razpolaganja, nujni delež, dednopravne pogodbe
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131537 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79831043 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2021
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Title:Limitation of autonomy of will in inheritance law
The master's thesis presents the limitations of the decedent's will in disposing of their property inter vivos and mortis causa. Inheritance law is one of the disciplines of civil law, where subjects operate within their own autonomy of will. Even though the right to private property and the right to inherit property are guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, the decedent's autonomy of will in disposing of their property is not unlimited. One of the reasons for such arrangement is the principle of inheritance within the family, the purpose of which is to preserve property within the family, thus preventing existential distress of family members following the death of the decedent. The Slovenian legal system knows a number of limitations related to the autonomy of the decedent's will in disposing of their property. The necessary share is the strongest substantive restriction on the freedom of testing. The decedent's autonomy of will is limited, inter alia, by the invalidity of most inheritance contracts, the prohibition of fideicommissary substitution and the invalidity of a joint will. The current inheritance arrangement was adopted in 1976 with the Inheritance Act. As it has been minimally amended since, it is still possible to detect elements of the socialist legal order in certain details. Given that the law changes and adapts to new conditions of the society, the theory and practice have long held the view that certain reforms were needed as regards inheritance. In principle, the view is that the individual's autonomy of will is too limited. Comparative legal analysis has shown that the autonomy of the decedent's will is significantly more limited in the Slovenian legal system than abroad, where there has been a tendency to reduce the number of restrictions pertaining to the decedent's will. This ought to be regulated in Slovenia as well.

Keywords:inheritance, autonomy of the decedent's will, the principle of inheritance within the family, freedom of testamentary disposition, the necessary share, inheritance contracts

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