
Modeliranje vezave antiretrovirusnih spojin s HIV-1 integrazo in reverzno transkriptazo
ID Ciriković, David (Author), ID Lukšič, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Integraza in reverzna transkriptaza sta encima virusa HIV-1 in hkrati glavni tarči za proučevanje inhibicije razmoževanja virusa v gostiteljski celici. S pomočjo računalniških simulacij lahko predvidimo potencialne zdravilne učinkovine, ki bodo preprečile delovanje integraze in reverzne transkriptaze. V magistrskem delu sem se osredotočil na proučevanje vezave različnih inhibitorjev integraze in reverzne transkriptaze s pomočjo molekulskega sidranja in simulacij dinamike molekul. Pri molekulskem sidranju sem dobil informacijo o vezavnih mestih liganda s proteinom ter vezavnih energijah različnih antiretrovirusnih spojin. Med proučevanimi zaviralci integraze je imel najvišjo afiniteto vezave biktegravir. Preveril sem tudi, kakšen je vpliv prisotnosti magnezijevih ionov in DNK verige na jakost vezave inhibitorja v vezavnem mestu encima. Računalniško pridobljene vrednosti disociacijske konstante sem primerjal z eksperimentalno določenimi vrednostmi koncentracije polovičnega maksimalnega učinka inhibitorja, EC50. Izkazalo se je, da sta ti dve količini za izbrani set ligandov linearno korelirani. Primerjal sem tudi vezavne energije različnih modifikacij biktegravirja, kjer je prvotna struktura ohranila najvišjo vrednost. Za primer biktegravirja (prvotni kompleks, kompleks brez magnezijevih ionov ter kompleks brez magnezijevih ionov in DNK) sem s pomočjo molekulske dinamike spremljal spremembo kontaktov in vrste interakcij med 50 ns dolgo simulacijo v eksplicitnem topilu. Pri tem sem spremljal spreminjanje položaja liganda v vezavnem mestu ter konformacijske spremembe kompleksa in proteina ob vezavi liganda. Enake parametre sem analiziral tudi v primeru delavirdina in rilpivirina, ki sta nenukleozidna inhibitorja reverzne transkriptaze. Rezultate obeh računalniških metod sem primerjal s podatki iz drugih študij in dobil primerljive rezultate glede kontaktov liganda z aminokislinskimi ostanki proteina ter prevladujočem tipu interakcij med njima.

Keywords:molekulsko sidranje, molekulska dinamika, integraza, reverzna transkriptaza, HIV-1
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131492 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:86515715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2021
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Title:Modelling the binding of antiretroviral compounds with HIV-1 integrase and reverse transcriptase
Integrase and reverse transcriptase are enzymes of the HIV-1 virus and also main targets for studying the inhibition of virus replication in the host cell. With the help of computer simulations, we can predict potential active ingredients. In my master 's thesis, I focused on the study of the binding of integrase and reverse transcriptase inhibitors using computer simulations of molecular docking and molecular dynamics. In molecular docking simulation, I obtained information of the binding sites of the ligand with the protein and the binding energies of various antiretroviral compounds, where bictegravir had the highest binding affinity. I also examined the effect of magnesium ions and DNA strand on the binding strength of the inhibitor at the binding site. The computer - generated dissociation constant values were compared with the experimentally determined values of the concentration of half the maximum effect of the EC50 inhibitor. I also compared the binding energies of different modifications of bictegravir, where the original structure retained the highest value. For the case of bictegravir (original complex, magnesium ion-free complex and magnesium ion-free complex and without DNA), I monitored the change in contacts and type of interactions during the 50 ns long simulation and the change in ligand position in the binding site, conformational changes of the complex and protein upon binding ligand. The same parameters were also analyzed in the case of delavirdine and rilpivirine, which are non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. I compared the results of both computer methods with data from other studies and obtained comparable results regarding ligand contacts with amino acid protein residues and the predominant type of interactions between them.

Keywords:molecular docking, molecular dynamics, integrase, reverse transcriptase, HIV-1

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