In this master’s thesis, I calculated given correction and measurement uncertainty to evaluate the prototype for calibration of radiation thermometer.
In the first part of the thesis, I describe the physical background, presenting the fundamental laws of radiation thermometry. In doing so, I find that several factors will contribute to measurement errors in non-ideal measurement conditions.
In the second part of the master’s thesis, I present the layout of the measuring environment, the measuring equipment and its characteristics, and the procedure for performing measurements.
An assessment of the sources of systematic errors and measurement uncertainties inherent in the measurement environment follows. We analyze and evaluate the estimated sources of measurement errors. Then we calculate the correction and total measurement uncertainty for the analyzed prototype for the calibration of radiation thermometers concerning the temperature at which we perform the measurements and concerning the deviation from the center of the calibrator plate at which we perform the measurements.
Total correction values are up to 7 °C, extended total measurement uncertainties up to 8 °C. I note that, in general, the calibrator is not suitable for performing calibrations at the current stage of development, except in special cases.