
Vrstna sestava in ustreznost vzdrževanja rastlin na parkiriščih ob nakupovalnih središčih v Ljubljani
ID Žnidaršič, Zarja (Author), ID Schmitzer, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge je pregledati ter identificirati rastlinske vrste v nasadih na parkiriščih ob nakupovalnih centrih in preveriti ustreznost načrtovanja in vzdrževanja rastlin. Analizirali smo šest lokacij v Ljubljani: supermarket Spar v Štepanjskem naselju, supermarket Tuš pri Ruskem carju, market Mercator v Novih Fužinah, nakupovalno središče Aleja in hipermarket Mercator v Šiški ter center Interspar Vič. Pregledali smo vrstno sestavo nasadov, tip nasada (linijsko/soliterno/gručno sajenje dreves, grmovnic, trajnice, trata) in po pregledu literature ocenili ustreznost posameznih vrst glede na prilagodljivost in funkcionalnost za izbrana območja sajenja. Zaradi prevlade dreves in njihove funkcije je diplomska naloga osredotočena predvsem na nasade z drevesi. Grmi in trajnice se pojavijo samo pri novejših nasadih (mešani nasadi). Rastni prostor dreves, ki ga predstavljajo zatravljene površine ali drevesni kolobar, smo ovrednotili glede na priporočila DIN standarda (DIN 18916). Preverili smo prisotnost škode, ki je v večini primerov nastala kot posledica pomanjkanja vode ali pomanjkljivega varovanja rastlin. Pri novejših nasadih, kjer je drevje še v začetni fazi rastne dobe, njihova funkcionalnost še ni popolna, saj parkiranim vozilom ne morejo zagotavljati sence. V večini primerov je funkcija nasadov izrazito prostotvorna in estetska, s starostjo nasadov se okrepi tudi ekološka in tehnična funkcija dreves ter trajnic.

Keywords:okrasno vrtnarstvo, parkirišča, drevesne zasaditve, projektiranje, vzdrževanje, poškodbe
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Z. Žnidaršič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131475 This link opens in a new window
UDC:712.4:635.92(497.4 Ljubljana)(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:78223107 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Species composition and maintenance suitability of plants in parking lots at shopping centers in Ljubljana
The aim of this thesis was to examine planting at parking lots of shopping centers and to check the adequacy of the design and maintenance of the plants. Six locations were chosen in Ljubljana for the case study: The Spar supermarket in Štepanjsko naselje, the Tuš supermarket near Ruski Car, the Mercator market in Nove Fužine, the Aleja mall and Mercator hypermarket in Šiška and the Interspar Vič center. We have identified the species composition and type of plantings of the parking lots (line/solitary/clump planting of trees, shrubs and perennial plants), and after reviewing adequate literature, assessed the suitability of each species in terms of adaptability and functionality for the selected planting areas. Due to the predominance and purpose of trees, the thesis focuses on tree planting. Shrubs and perennials appear only in more recent plantings. We compared the growing space of trees, represented by grass areas or individual pits with a modular iron grate, with the DIN standard (DIN 18916). We checked for the presence of damage, which in most cases was caused by the lack of water or inadequate plant protection. By designing and maintaining the plants appropriately, their functionality is maintained. In newer plantings, where the trees are still in the early stages of their growth, their functionality is not fully effective, as they cannot provide shade to vehicles parked below, for example. These trees mainly have aesthetic and structural functions, with the ecological function being intensified as they develop.

Keywords:ornamental horticulture, parking lots, plants, design, maintenance, damage

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