
Obravnava problemskih tematik v predšolskem obdobju: Babette Cole
ID Mahmić, Selvedina (Author), ID Blažič, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V predšolskem obdobju se starši, vzgojitelji, vsi, ki otroka obkrožajo, trudijo, da bi otroka »zaščitili« pred problemskimi oziroma tabu temami. A ob tem jim ne ponudimo možnosti, da se z njimi spoprimejo in o tematiki razpravljajo. Diplomsko delo vsebuje odzive in stališča predšolskih otrok, starih pet do šest let, o problemskih tematikah. Otrokom sem predstavila izbrana dela avtorice Babette Cole, ki na humoren, za nekatere grotesken način s svojim besedilom in ilustracijami prikaže tako problemske kot tudi neproblemske tematike. V oddelku, kjer sem slikanice predstavljala, otroci niso poznali ne avtorice ne njenih del. S pomočjo analitično-deskriptivne metode sem uporabila že zapisano literaturo za opredelitev slikanice in problemskih tematik ter predstavila izbrano avtorico Babette Cole in povzela pridobljeno literaturo. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela sem podatke dobila z intervjuvanjem otrok. Otrokom sem predstavila tri slikanice skozi tri dejavnosti ter jih sproti opazovala in jih intervjuvala. Po vsaki dejavnosti je zapisana lastna refleksija. Z raziskavo sem ugotovila, da so tako odzivi kakor tudi stališča otrok do problemskih tematik pozitivni. Menim in upam, da bodo tudi vzgojitelji že v predšolskem obdobju ponujali otrokom besedila tudi s problemsko tematiko, da si lahko otroci sami ustvarijo mnenje o le-teh.

Keywords:predšolska vzgoja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131465 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:77755395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.10.2021
MAHMIĆ, Selvedina, 2021, Obravnava problemskih tematik v predšolskem obdobju: Babette Cole [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Dealing with problem topics in preschool period: Babette Cole
In the pre-school period parents, teachers, and everyone around the child try to protect the child from problematic or taboo topics . however, we do not offer them the oppportunity to deal with them and discuss the topic. The diploma thesis contains responses and views of preschool children aged five to six on problem topics. I presented to the children selected works by Babette Cole, who in a humorous, for some people grotesque way with her text and illustrations presents both problematic and non-problematic topics. In the group named Sovice , where I presented the picture books, the children did not know either the author or her works. With a nalytical-descriptive method, I used already written literature to define the picture book and problem topics, presented the selected author Babette Cole and summarized the acquired literature. In the empirical part of the diploma, I got the data from interviewing children. I introduced the children three picture books through three activities and observed and interviewed them on an going bases. After each activity, I wrote a self-reflection. Through children responses, I found that both the responses and aattitudes of children to problem topics are positive. I believe and hope that teachers will also offer children texts with a problem theme in the pre-shool period, so that children can form their own opinion about them.

Keywords:preschool education

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