This diploma thesis aims to present the Karst architectural heritage in the settlements within the municipality of Sežana. Firstly, I outlined the natural conditions in the Karst region and their impact on the position and size of the settlements. I followed with the descriptions of socio-geographical factors that contributed to the development of Karst settlements. As natural factors influenced the formation and development of individual settlements, they also influenced the karst architecture itself, as stone was used as the fundamental material while building a house. In recent decades, modern constructions have significantly changed the Karst region countryside. The rural Karst area has undergone a noticeable economic, social, and morphological transformation. It is crucial that the traditional Karst houses be protected and preserved during these changes, as this would ensure that the Karst identity of the settlements is not lost. A key element in the preservation of cultural heritage is the maintenance and renovation of old Karst buildings. Consequently, the question of how to properly restore or renovate a Karst house arises.