The final seminar paper defines the geographical aspect of the construction of new section of the coastal road Koper – Izola and sheds light on different possibilities of choosing a route from a regional – ecological, social – economic and technical point of view. Slovenia has a very short coastline, infact it is only 42 kilometres long. Much of the coastline is urbanised, so land just off the coast represents a great development potential. The area in question is one of the most interesting lands in the narrower coastal zone of Slovenia. The withdrawal of the road would primarily gain the possibility of renaturing the area, as there are important ecologically diverse sites on both the slopes of the cliff and in the sea. At the same time, opportunities for the development of activities such as recreation and tourism would open up in the area. The seminar presents the competition comission's selections and evaluations, on the basis of which they are to select future road. From a geographical point of view, the removal of the road from the coast to the tunnel is the best choice and basis for further development of this part of the Slovenian coast.