
Ivan Hribar: Politični zapornik in konfiniranec velike vojne : diplomsko delo
ID Božič, Matic Leon (Author), ID Repe, Božo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Strle, Urška (Comentor)

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Tematski okvir pričujoče diplomske naloge so prisilne migracije s poudarkom na izkušnjah političnih zapornikov, konkretno v avstrijski polovici avstro-ogrske monarhije v času prve svetovne vojne. Namen diplomske naloge je najprej bolj na splošno opisati pojem prisilnih migracij, podati zgodovinski kontekst slovenskih političnih zapornikov, predvsem panslovanskih intelektualcev, med prvo svetovno vojno na avstro-ogrskem in razčleniti vzroke za njihovo internacijo in njihovo obravnavo. V drugem delu je opisana še osebna izkušnja nekdanjega ljubljanskega župana Ivana Hribarja, ki je več let vojne preživel prisilno emigriran v avstrijski vasici Abtenau. Njegova zgodba nam nudi oseben vpogled v izkušnjo političnega zapornika.

Keywords:prisilne migracije, politični zaporniki, konfinacija, prva svetovna vojna, Ivan Hribar
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. L. Božič]
Number of pages:29 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131335 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:78995715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Ivan Hribar: Political prisoner and detainee of the Great War
The topic of the present undergraduate thesis is forced migration with an emphasis on the experience of political prisoners, concretely in the Austrian half of Austria-Hungary during the First World War. The purpose of the undergraduate thesis is to describe the concept of forced migration in a more general way, to give the historical context of Slovenian political prisoners, especially Pan-Slavic intellectuals, during the First World War in Austria-Hungary, and to analyze the reasons for their internment and treatment. The second part also describes the personal experience of the former mayor of Ljubljana Ivan Hribar, who spent several years of the war forcibly emigrated to the Austrian village of Abtenau. His story gives us a personal insight into the experience of a political prisoner.

Keywords:forced migration, political prisoners, confinement, the First World War, Ivan Hribar

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