
Zaznana varnost sodelujočih robotov
ID GABRŠČEK, TEVŽ (Author), ID Mihelj, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šlajpah, Sebastjan (Comentor)

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V robotiki se v zadnjih nekaj letih vse bolj razvijajo tako imenovani sodelujoči roboti. To so roboti, ki imajo senzorje za zaznavo trkov z operaterjem ali z okolico. Kot pove že ime samo, so ti roboti primerni za aplikacije, kjer lahko sodelujejo z delavcem in tako pripomorejo k večji hitrosti in učinkovitosti dela. Da lahko take aplikacije vpeljemo v industrijo, je potrebno zagotoviti zadostno varnost sodelovalne aplikacije. Opravljenih je bilo veliko raziskav o zagotavljanju fizične varnosti. Imamo tudi ISO standarde za zagotavljanje zadostne varnosti na podlagi katerih lahko rečemo, da so sodelujoči roboti in sodelovalne aplikacije same po sebi varne. Vendar zagotavljanje fizične varnosti samo po sebi ne zadostuje za brezskrbno in udobno interakcijo med človekom in robotom. Potrebno se je namreč vprašati tudi ali se delavec res počuti varnega pri delu z robotom. Glavni namen naše magistrske naloge je bil ugotoviti, kako različne hitrosti in objekti, s katerimi manipulira sodelujoči robot, vplivajo na počutje delavca med izvajanjem sodelovalne aplikacije. Za namen te magistrske naloge smo zato sestavili sodelovalno aplikacijo, ki je posnemala delovno mesto v industriji. Ob spreminjanju objektov, s katerimi je sodelujoči robot manipuliral, in hitrosti, s katero se je robot premikal, smo ocenjevali počutje udeleženca na podlagi štirih izkustev, to so prijetnost, vznemirjenost, zaznana varnost in pripravljenost za prihodnje sodelovanje z robotom. Te podatke smo nato z uporabo ANOVE statistično obdelali z namenom ugotoviti, kako hitrost in objekti, s katerimi manipulira robot, vplivajo na počutje udeleženca. Zanimal nas je tudi vpliv interakcije dveh neodvisnih spremenljivk na počutje udeleženca. Rezultati te magistrske naloge so pokazali, da je naša aplikacija povzročala visoko raven prijetnosti, nizko stopnjo vznemirjenosti, visoko stopnjo zaznane varnosti in visoko stopnjo pripravljenosti za prihodnje sodelovanje z robotom. Udeleženci so pozitivno sprejeli robota in se na splošno počutili varne med sodelovanjem z robotom. Od obeh neodvisnih spremenljivk, je imela spremenljivka hitrost največji vpliv na vsa izkustva udeležencev. Hitro premikanje robota je vplivalo na nižjo prijetnost, nižjo zaznano varnost in višjo vznemirjenost pri udeležencih. Na splošno so rezultati poizkusa pokazali, da so se pozitivno motivirani udeleženci hitro prilagodili sodelovanju z robotom in se začeli počutiti udobno ter dojemali sodelovanje z robotom kot varno in prijetno.

Keywords:zaznana varnost, sodelujoči roboti, sodelovalna aplikacija, ANOVA, UR5e
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131265 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:77925379 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Perceived safety of collaborative robots
In robotics, the so-called collaborative robots have seen significant development in the last few years. These robots use sensors to detect collisions with the operator or the environment. As the name suggests, robots are suitable for applications where they can work with the operator and thus contribute to higher speed and better work efficiency. However, to introduce such applications into the industry, it is necessary to ensure sufficient safety of the collaborative application. A lot of research has been done to ensure physical safety. ISO standards provide safety guidelines based on which we can make collaborative robots and collaborative applications inherently safe. However, ensuring physical safety alone is not enough for a carefree and comfortable interaction between humans and robots. It is also necessary to ask ourselves whether the worker feels safe when working together with the robot. The primary purpose of the master's thesis was to determine how different speeds and objects manipulated by a collaborative robot affect the worker's wellbeing while performing a collaborative application. Therefore, for this master's thesis, we developed a collaborative application that mimicked an industrial workplace. While manipulating various objects at different robot movement speeds, we observed the participant's wellbeing based on four self-report experiential measures: perceived pleasure, arousal, safety, and intention to collaborate with the robot. We then statistically processed the data using ANOVA and looked for how the speed and objects manipulated by the robot affect the participant's wellbeing. We were also interested in whether the interaction of these two independent variables impacted the participant's wellbeing. The results of this master's thesis showed that our application elicited high levels of pleasure, low levels of arousal, high levels of perceived safety, and high intention to collaborate with the robot by the participants. The participants positively perceived the robot, and they generally felt safe while collaborating with the robot. Of the two independent variables, the variable speed had the most significant impact on all participants' experiences. The fast movement of the robot thus resulted in lower levels of pleasure and perceived safety as well as a higher level of arousal. In general, the experimental results showed that positively motivated participants quickly adapted to working with the robot, started to feel comfortable and generally perceived the collaboration and the robot itself as safe and pleasurable.

Keywords:perceived safety, collaborative robots, collaborative application, ANOVA, UR5e

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