
Vpliv slovničnega spola na pomnjenje množice objektov – medjezikovna primerjava med angleščino, slovenščino in nemščino
ID Hudovernik, Matjaž (Author), ID Lipovšek, Frančiška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo raziskuje vpliv slovnice na pomnjenje večih objektov in ugotavlja, ali je slovnični spol relevanten faktor pri memorizaciji. Eksperiment je opravljen s praktičnim preizkusom preko spletne strani, ki testira, ali materni govorci angleščine, slovenščine ter nemščine drugače memorizirajo množice večih predmetov glede na drugačen slovnični spol izpostavljenega predmeta. Hipoteza je, da bosta jezika kot sta slovenščina in nemščina bolj naravnana do interference slovničnega spola pri pomnjenju, saj je v teh dveh jezikih slovnični spol veliko bolj bistven del slovnice kot v angleščini, kjer formalnega slovničnega spola ni. Sklepamo, da bo med slovenskimi in nemškimi testiranci vidna očitna preferenca, da si zapomnijo predmete, ki si delijo slovnični spol z referenčnim predmetom, medtem ko bo v angleščini tovrstni vpliv znatno manjši. Izhodiščna točka za metodologijo in teoretično podlago je Whorfova teorija jezikovne relativnosti, ki je podkrepljena s sodobnejšimi metodami medjezikovne primerjave.

Keywords:jezikovna relativnost, slovnični spol, pomnjenje, angleščina, slovenščina, nemščina
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131214 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:78643459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The Influence of Grammatical Gender on the Memorization of Object Clusters – a Crosslinguistic Comparison between English, Slovene and German
The thesis surveys the effects of grammar on the memorization of a larger number of objects, and seeks to ascertain whether grammatical gender is a relevant factor in terms of retention. The experiment is carried out with a practical task via a website, which tests if native speakers of English, Slovene and German memorize clusters of objects differently among one another based on the grammatical gender of the object presented as a referent. The hypothesis is that languages such as Slovene and German will be more inclined to grammatical gender interference during their recall phase, as grammatical gender plays a much bigger role in these two languages than in English, where no formal grammatical gender exists. We assume that a clear mode of preference will emerge among Slovene and German participants, and that they will more readily recall objects that share the grammatical gender with the object of reference, whereas in English this effect will be significantly less prominent. Our methodological approach and theoretical basis are based on Whorf’s theory of linguistic relativity and further substantiated by contemporary cross-linguistic methods of comparison.

Keywords:linguistic relativity, grammatical gender, memorization, English, Slovene, German

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