
Značilni vzorci obnašanja konstrukcije “You Guys”
ID Terčon, Luka (Author), ID Lipovšek, Frančiška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Izraz apozicija se v angleščini povezuje s širokim naborom struktur, ki se lahko med seboj precej razlikujejo. To kategorijo se je sprva označevalo za dokaj homogeno in uniformno, vendar pa najnovejše študije kažejo, da imajo številne podvrste te jezikovne strukture posebne lastnosti, ki jih ločijo od ostalih tipov apozicij. Te ugotovitve nakazujejo na to, da je kategorija apozicij sestavljena iz veliko bolj heterogenega in raznolikega nabora konstrukcij, ki jih med seboj druži sorodna notranja sestava. Ta magistrska naloga se osredotoča na posebno podvrsto apozicij imenovano konstrukcija “you guys”. Naloga se najprej spusti v teoretsko analizo strukture, sklicujoč se na osrednja načela teorije konstrukcijske slovnice, še posebej tista, ki jih v svojih delih izpostavi jezikoslovka Adele Goldberg. Poleg teoretske analize je predstavljena tudi empirična raziskava, ki se spusti v preučitev dejanskih vzorcev uporabe v šestih jezikovnih korpusih. Naloga se naslanja tudi na koncept gramatikalizacije, ki je tesno povezan z ugotovitvami tako teoretske kot tudi empirične analize. Magistrsko delo prikaže, da se konstrukcija “you guys” obnaša povsem drugače kot ostali tipi apozicij. Zaradi teh posebnosti je povsem upravičeno umestiti to strukturo v svojo lastno kategorijo, ki je ločena od ostalih tipov apozicij.

Keywords:apozicija, konstrukcije, konstrukcijska slovnica, korpusno jezikoslovje, gramatikalizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131213 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Idiosyncratic Patterns in the Behavior of the “You Guys” Construction
The term apposition is used as a broad linguistic catch-all category for structures which can differ from one another to quite a considerable degree. Traditionally, the category was seen as rather homogenous and uniform, consisting of relatively few subdivisions, however recent studies suggest that various subtypes of this structure display their own distinct features which set them apart from other types of apposition. The recent findings suggest that the category of apposition consists of a much more heterogenous and varied set of constructions linked together by a similar structural makeup. This paper focuses on a specific subset of appositions referred to as the pronominal close apposition or simply the “you guys” construction. The structure is first analyzed according to the core principles of the theory of construction grammar, particularly the work of the linguist Adele Goldberg. In addition, a search for empirical data is conducted by looking for evidence of use in six linguistic corpora. The implications brought about by the results of the theoretical and empirical analyses are then considered in the light of the process of grammaticalization and language change in general. The paper demonstrates that the “you guys” construction behaves in a completely different way to other types of appositional construction. These idiosyncrasies justify placing it in its own special category, separate from other examples of apposition.

Keywords:apposition, constructions, construction grammar, corpus linguistics, grammaticalization

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