
Antični Tir
ID Berro, Žan (Author), ID Zanier, Katharina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tir je mesto v južnem Libanonu, ki leži 80 kilometrov južneje od prestolnice Bejrut. Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na obdobje od ustanovitve mesta do prihoda Arabcev. Mesto je bilo ustanovljeno okoli leta 2750 pr. n. št. kot ribiška postojanka na dveh otokih, verjetno bližnjega obalnega mesta Ushu (današnji Tell Al-Rashdiyeh). Zgodnejša obdobja je zaznamovala začasna poselitev otokov, stalna se začne po letu 1600 pr. n. št. Mesto je doživelo svoj vrhunec v času vladanja legendarnega kralja Hirama, ki je združil oba otoka, na katerih je bilo mesto. Tir je kljub številnim poskusom obleganja ohranil vodilno politično, trgovsko in upravno vlogo na vzhodni sredozemski obali vse do obleganja Aleksandra Velikega (332 pr. n. št), ki je mesto opustošil. Tir si je hitro opomogel in si v rimskem obdobju povrnil svoj vpliv. Analiziral sem različne dogodke in procese, ki so vplivali na razvoj in spremembe mesta, ter poskušal ugotoviti, kako se je to odražalo v arheološkem zapisu mesta.

Keywords:Tir, Hiram, urbanizacija, gradbene tehnike, AL-Bass, Al-Mina.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131208 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Ancient Tyre
Tyre is a city in southern Lebanon and is located 80 kilometres southern from its capital Beirut. The main emphasis of this dissertation is on the time from the foundation of Tyre to the arrival of the Arabs. The settlement was founded around 2750 BC as fishermen post on two islands, probably by the near costal city Ushu (modern Tell Al-Rashdiyeh). Earliest periods were marked by temporarily population of the islands, permanent settlement began after the year 1600 BC. The city reached its peak during the reign of the legendary king Hiram, who united both islands on which the city was standing. Tyre remained the main centre of trade, politics and administration in the eastern Mediterranean coast, despite of the multiple attempts of siege, until the siege by Alexander the Great (332 BC), who destroyed the city. Tyre recovered fast and got back his power during the Roman era. I analysed different events and processes, which had impact on the development and modifications of the city and tried recognize how they reflect in the archaeology of the city.

Keywords:Tyre, Hiram, urbanisation, building techniques, AL-Bass, Al-Mina.

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