
Sedimentologija in geomorfologija eocenske Planinske breče v Vipavski dolini : raziskovalna naloga
ID Božič, Mateja (Author), ID Rožič, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Popit, Tomislav (Comentor)

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Preučevano flišno zaporedje se nahaja na južnih obronkih Vipavske doline, v zahodnem delu Slovenije. Območje pripada geotektonski enoti Zunanjih Dinaridov, natančneje Komenski narivni grudi. Paleogeografsko gledano območje pripada Jadransko-Dinarski karbonatni platformi, katere razpad se je pospešil v paleocenu in eocenu. Njena severna obrobja so se postopoma pogrezala in v predgorskem fleksurnem bazenu se je začenjala globokomorska sedimentacija fliša. Fliš je pretežno sestavljen iz srednjezrnatega peščenjaka, muljevca in laporovca ter iz vmesnih plasti presedimentiranih karbonatov, ki se lahko pojavljajo v zelo debelih plasteh, znanih kot veleplasti ali megaplasti. Večino karbonatnih megaplasti gradijo kalkareniti, konglomerati in breče, v katerih so prisotni litoklasti paleocenskih in eocenskih plitvomorskih karbonatov ter izolirani bioklasti. V raziskovalni nalogi je natančneje opisana ena izmed karbonatnih megaplasti, katera predstavlja vsaj 30 metrov debelo plast Planinske breče, ki na južnih obronkih Vipavske doline tvori uravnano, do 400 metrov visoko kraško planoto. Breča je nastala z drobirskim tokom, ki je bil transportiran z juga, preostali del flišnega zaporedja pa je bil transportiran s turbiditnimi tokovi s severa. V okviru raziskovalne naloge sem podrobno opisala dva sedimentološka profila in izvedla geološko-geomorfološko kartiranje območja Planine nad Ajdovščino. Tekom kartiranja sem na več mestih določila litostratigrafsko mejo med brečo in flišem, označila površinske kraške pojave ter popisala 15 kalciturbiditov. Slednji so sestavljeni iz kalkarenita, ki se navzgor končuje z različno debelo lapornato kapo. Končni rezultat raziskovalne naloge sta izdelana geološko-geomorfološka karta in detajlna sedimentološka analiza Planinske breče.

Keywords:Fliš, Planinska breča, eocen, kalciturbidit, Jadransko-Dinarska karbonatna platforma, predgorski fleksurni bazen.
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Božič]
Number of pages:XII, 38 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131178 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:86613507 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Sedimentology and geomorphology of eocene Planina breccia in the Vipava valley : research paper
The studied flysch sequence is located on the southern slopes of the Vipava Valley, in the west of Slovenia. The area is geotectonically a part of External Dinarides, rather of Komen thrust sheet. Paleogeographically, the area belongs to the Adriatic-Dinaric Carbonate Platform, the decay of which accelerated in the Paleocene and Eocene. Its northern edges gradually sank and deep-sea flysch sedimentation began in the flexural basin. The flysch consists mainly of medium-grained sandstone, siltstone and marl, and of intermediate layers of resedimented carbonates, which can occur in very thick layers known as large layers or mega-layers. Most carbonate mega-layers are formed by calcarenites, conglomerates and breccias, in which lithoclasts of Paleocene and Eocene shallow-sea carbonates and isolated bioclasts are present. In the research paper, one of the carbonate mega-layers is described in more detail and it represents a layer of Planina breccia at least 30 meters thick, which forms a flattened karst plateau, up to 400 meters in height, on the southern slopes of the Vipava Valley. The breccia was formed by debris flow, which was transported from the south, and the rest of the flysch sequence was transported by turbidite flows from the north. As part of the research task, I described in detail two sedimentological profiles and performed geological-geomorphological mapping of the area Planina above Ajdovscina. During the mapping, I determined the lithostratigraphic boundary between breccia and flysch in several places, I marked surface karst phenomena and listed 15 calciturbidites. The latter are composed of calcarenite, which ends up with a different thickness marly cap. The final result of the research task is a geological-geomorphological map and a detailed sedimentological analysis of Planina breccia.

Keywords:Flysch, Planina breccia, Eocene, calciturbidite, Adriatic-Dinaric carbonate platform, flexure bassin.

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