
Kulturne rastline in njihovi škodljivci v ilustriranem herbariju
ID Čuček Meršol, Trina (Author), ID Nabernik, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šantić, Marin (Comentor)

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Tema magistrskega dela obravnava znanstveno ilustracijo rastlin in žuželk. Namen dela je, da se ohrani spomin na rastline in pozove k varovanju in širjenju zavedanja o medsebojnem sodelovanju in vplivih, ki jih imamo na okolje. Za ohranjanje spomina je lahko v pomoč tudi umetnost, natančneje znanstvena ilustracija. V preteklosti so si lahko mnogo rastlin predstavljali le iz opisov ali skic, saj jih niso imeli priložnosti videti v živo. Upodobljeni vzorci bi lahko v prihodnje služili kot dokumentarno gradivo današnjih ekoloških razmer in prehranskih navad. Pri izboru rastlin sem se po posvetu s strokovnjaki z botaničnega področja odločila za devet rastlin, ki so po lestvici Organizacije za prehrano in kmetijstvo svetovno najpomembnejše za prehrano: kavovec, oljna palma, soja, bananovec, riž, sladkorni trs, krompir, pšenica in koruza; napada pa jih vsaj en škodljivec. Teoretični del magistrskega dela se navezuje na področja znanstvene botanične ilustracije, znanstvene ilustracije žuželk in kaligrafije ter raziskuje metode ohranjanja rastlin skozi zgodovino in pomen upodobitev v okviru znanstvene ilustracije. Praktični del pa zajema podrobnejše raziskovanje rastlin in žuželk s seznama in izdelavo knjižnega ilustrativnega herbarija s priloženimi ilustracijami rastlin in škodljivcev, opremljenimi s kaligrafijo. V primerih, kjer je bilo to možno, so bile poleg ilustracij rastline pripravljene po postopkih za izdelavo herbarija, sicer pa le vzorčne ilustracije rastlin s pripadajočimi ilustracijami škodljivcev. Glede ciljne skupine menim, da bi bil tovrsten herbarij učinkovit učni pripomoček, zanimiv pa tudi tako za ljubitelje znanstvene ilustracije, botanike kot tudi poljudne bralce.

Keywords:Vizualne komunikacije, ilustracija, Znanstvena ilustracija, Kaligrafija, Botanika, Entomologija, Herbarij, Varovanje narave, Kulturne rastline, Škodljivci, Magistrsko delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131166 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Cultivated Plants and Their Pests in an Illustrated Herbarium
The topic of the master’s thesis deals with the scientific illustration of plants and insects. The aim is to preserve the memory of plants and to call for the protection and dissemination of awareness of the cooperation and impact we have on the environment. Art, more precisely, scientific illustration, can also help to preserve their memory. In the past, various plants could only be imagined from descriptions or sketches, as they did not have the opportunity to see them live. The depicted samples could in the future serve as documentary material for today`s ecological conditions and eating habits. In the selection of plants, after consulting with experts in the field of botany, I decided on nine plants that are according to The Food and Agriculture Organization the world`s most important for nutrition: coffee, oil palm, soybeans, banana, rice, sugar cane, potatoes, wheat, and corn; and are attacked by at least one pest. The theoretical section of the master`s thesis relates to the fields of scientific botanical illustration, scientific illustration of insects and calligraphy, and explores methods of plant conservation throughout history and the importance of their depiction in the context of scientific illustration. The practical part includes a more detailed research of plants and insects from the list, the production of an illustrative herbarium in the form of a book with attached illustrations of the plants and pests, equipped with calligraphy. In possible cases, in addition to the illustrations, plants are prepared according to the procedures in making a herbarium, otherwise only the sample illustrations are provided alongside the pest illustrations. Regarding the target group, I believe that such a herbarium would be an effective learning tool and would be interesting for fans of scientific illustration and botany, as well, for a wider circle of readers.

Keywords:Visual communications, illustration, Scientific illustration, calligraphy, Botanical science, entomology, herbarium, nature protection, Cultivated plants, pests, MA thesis

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