
Izvor spremembe toplotne kapacitete pri zvitju DNK: vpliv specifično vezanih molekul vode
ID Podlipnik, Ivana (Author), ID Hadži, San (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zvitje DNK vijačnice spremlja zmanjšanje toplotne kapacitete. Poleg prispevka 'običajne' dehidratacije lahko tudi specifično vezane molekule vode v mali žleb DNK, ki tvorijo tako imenovani hidratacijski skelet, predstavljajo pomemben prispevek k toplotni kapaciteti. V tem diplomskem delu sem ocenila ta prispevek s pomočjo analize sprememb toplotne kapacitete in sprostitve molekul vode pri vezavi proteinov na DNK. Spremembo toplotne kapacitete sem razdelila na prispevek zaradi dehidratacije proteina, običajne dehidratacije DNK in sprostitve specifično vezanih molekul vode. Termodinamska analiza potrjuje, da je sprememba toplotne kapacitete pri dehidrataciji malega žleba podobna tisti pri taljenju ledu.

Keywords:hidratacijski skelet, kompleksi protein/DNK, sprememba toplotne kapacitete, sprememba vodi dostopne površine
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131093 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:83277571 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The Origin of Heat Capacity Increment in DNA Folding: The Effect of Specifically Bound Water Molecules
The folding of the DNA duplex is accompanied by a decrease of heat capacity. In addition to the heat capacity contribution due to 'regular' dehydration, specific binding of water molecules to the minor groove of DNA forming the so-called spine of hydration could also be associated with a significant heat capacity contribution. In this diploma work, I have estimateted this contribution from the analysis of heat capacity changes and release of water molecules that accompany the binding of proteins to DNA. The heat capacity change has been divided into contributions related to dehydration of protein, regular dehydration of DNA and release of specifically bound waters. The thermodynamic analysis confirms that the heat capacity change due to the dehydration of the minor groove is similar to that of melting ice.

Keywords:spine of hydration, protein/DNA complexes, heat capacity change, accessible surface area change

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